
Integration of graph theory and matrix approach with fuzzy AHP for equipment selection

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Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is proposing a new integrated method to equipment selection. Proposed approach is based on fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and GTMA (graph theory and matrix approach) methods that are used for equipment selection. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper, a two-step fuzzy-AHP and GTMA methodology is structured here that GTMA uses fuzzy-AHP result weights as input weights. Then a real case study is presented to show applicability and performance of the methodology. It can be said that using linguistic variables makes the evaluation process more realistic. Because evaluation is not an exact process and has fuzziness in its body. Here, the usage of fuzzy-AHP weights in GTMA makes the application more realistic and reliable. Proposed approach is applied to a problem of selecting CNC machines to be purchased in a company. Findings: The outcome of this research is ranking and selecting equipment based on Fuzzy AHP and GTMA techniques. According to this method, the first CNC machine (CNC1) is the best machine among other machines. Originality/value: This paper offers a new integrated method for equipment selection that can be used in other areas such as supplier selection, facility location selection and etc.



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