
A Study on Casualty Profile Using Logistics Regression

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The environment faced by today’s servicemen is characterized by continual deployments to combat zones, where troops are exposed to the risks of the battlefield. Casualty, whether to combatants or noncombatants, is an unavoidable reality of war. Although the primary goal of combat is to defeat the enemy, keeping casualties down is important as well. Low numbers of injured or killed soldiers not only maintain the ranks of service members, but also have an incredible effect on morale. The purpose of this study is to create a profile of U.S. Army troops killed or injured due to hostile incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2003 and 2011. The analysis of study my help decision makers to see profile that is most vulnerable to casualty. The first part of our study analyzes the descriptive statistical results and the second part contains the results of multivariate analysis of the casualty status of servicemen of the U.S. Army. As a conclusion for our multivariate model, an actual-duty person who is female, married, serving in the reserve forces, serving in a combat troop, between pay grades E1–E3, serving in Iraq, serving the first deployment is the serviceman with most potential to get injured or killed in the U.S. Army. Keywords- U.S. Army, The Iraq War, The Afghanistan War, Casualty, Hostile Incident, Logistic Regression



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