
The Perceived Service Quality of Technology Markets and Its Effect on Customer Satisfaction

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The customer satisfaction concept has been becoming more and more important for companies all around the world. To increase this satisfaction level, perceived service quality is one of the main factors that companies must take into consideration. As a result of the rapid change in technology and the decrease in time spent on shopping, the usage of technology markets has become more common. Measurement of perceived service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction has also become crucial for technology markets. In this study, SERVQUAL method, built up by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, has been used to measure perceived service quality. The population consists of 417 people above 18 years of age who live in Istanbul. A public survey is used as the data collecting method and a factor analysis, T-tests, an ANOVA/Welch test and a reliability analysis are performed from the acquired data by using the SPSS package program. Moreover, the model structured for the study is tested through a LISREL structural equation model.



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