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Abstract (2. Language): 
Microteaching is a didactc tool of recent applicaton to undergraduate and postgraduate students as a way to promote self-learning. In this work we compared the perceptons of the students who provide instructon in tssue engineering using microteaching and the perceptons of the same students when they receive such instructons. Two similar questonnaires with items related to the preparaton and expositon of a microlesson were used to investgate the percepton of 56 students before and after the microteaching session. In our results, students signifcantly prefer to use specifc objectves, textbooks and Internet informaton when they are preparing a microlesson as compared to the situaton when they receive it. On the other hand, the use of a pre-programmed index during the expositon and the reducton of the use of slides are signifcantly more preferred by the students after receiving the microlesson. No statstcal diferences were found for the rest of the optons analyzed. These results show that the self-assessment generated in the microteaching session, which is linked to the feedback related to the self-learning process, makes microteaching a technique not only useful for self-learning but also an important tool to promote self-regulaton across the curriculum.



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