Journal Name:
- Journal of Technology and Science Education
Author Name | University of Author |
Abstract (2. Language):
The learning of solving mult-step problems is a relevant aim in chemical educaton for engineering students. In
these questons, afer analyzing inital data, a complex reasoning and an elaborated mathematcal procedure is
needed to achieve the correct numerical answer. However, many students are able to efectvely use algorithms
even with a lack of meaningful understanding of involved chemical concepts. This paper reports the applicaton
of some collaboratve actons in order to induce a complete acquisiton of problem solving skills. The studied
approaches, performed inside and outside the classroom, are classifed in low-collaboratve and highcollaboratve
actvites, depending on the relatve partcipaton of instructor/students in their development. The
critcal descripton of the proposed methodology and the produced outcomes are exposed. The contributon of
each major reasoning mode (model, rule or case based) employed in these actvites is analyzed. Also, the
percepton of students is evaluated on the basis on the data provided by direct observaton and a specifc
survey with Likert-scale and open-ended questons. The results indicate that the changes of teaching to a more
conceptual orientaton lead a deeper understanding, minimizing misconceptons or a rote learning.
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