
Effect of Feed Supplementation of Selenium and Vitamin E on Production Performance and Some Hematological Parameters of Broiler

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This study was conducted at the poultry production farm in Akre region for a period 49 days using it 420 Ross day old broiler chicks. The chicks were distributed randomly in to seven treatments. Selenium and Vitamin E added to the diet according to as follows: T1 (control group), no supplemented Se and Vitamin E; T2, 0.15 mg Se + 100 mg Vit.E/kg feed; T3, 0.3 mg Se + 100 mg Vit.E/kg feed; T4, 0.15 mg Se+ 150 mg Vit.E/kg feed; T5, 0.3 mg Se + 150 mg Vit.E/kg feed; T6, 0.45 mg Se+ 100 mg Vit.E/kg feed and T7, 0.45 mg Se +150 mg Vit.E/kg feed. The objective of this study was to study the effect of supplementation Selenium and Vitamin E in the diets on the production performance and some hematological parameters of broiler chick. Results were as fallow: There were no significant differences in live body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio, carcass weight, dressing and mortality percentages among all treatments and control at 49 days of age. Significant differences (p<0.05) showed in ratio of wings for T6 on other treatments at 49 days of age. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in fat and protein percentage of breast between T6 and T7 at 42, 49 days of age. Significant differences (p<0.05) appears in packed cell volume, hemoglobin for T7 compared to other treatments and T1 at 42, 49 days of age. While, there were no significant differences in lymphocytes between all treatments compared to control group except T6 at 42 days of age, this treatment was significantly superior to control regarding heterophile %, H/L. Significant differences (p<0.05) in monophile, esonophile, basophile were resulted among all treatments at 42 days of age.



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