
Sinop’da Yetişen Bazı Bitkilerin Metanolik Ekstraktlarının Antibakteriyal ve Antifungal Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Determination of Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Some Plants Growing in Sinop

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the present study, the antimicrobial activities of 15 different plant species growing in Sinop were tested against 3 Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureusATCC 6538, Micrococcus luteusATCC 9345, Bacillus cereusATCC 7064), 2 Gram-negative (Escherichia coli ATCC 11293 and Enterococcus faecalisATCC 51299) and 3 yeast (Candida kruseiATCC 6258, C. parapilosisATCC 22019 and C. albicansATCC 14053) strains by using disc diffusion method. It was found that all examined plant species in point of the antimicrobial activity was effective against one or more species of microorganisms. Additionally, it was determined that Crocus speciosussubsp. xantholaimos endemic to Sinop had high antimicrobial activity against tested Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. However, the leaf and fruit extracts of Laurus nobilisdisplayed higher antifungal activity against 3Candida species. In general, the results of the study showed that there was no significant difference between antibacterial and antifungal activities of the investigated plant extracts
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, Sinop’da yetişen 15 farklı bitki türünden elde edilen metanol ekstraktların antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri 3 Gram-pozitif (Staphylococcus aureusATCC 6538, Micrococcus luteusATCC 9345, Bacillus cereusATCC 7064), 2 Gram-negatif (Escherichia coliATCC 11293 ve Enterococcus faecalisATCC 51299) ve 3 maya (Candida kruseiATCC 6258, C. parapilosisATCC 22019 veC. albicansATCC 14053) suşlarına karşı disk difüzyon yöntemi kullanılarak test edildi. Antimikrobiyal etkisi incelenen bitki türlerinin tümünün bir veya daha fazla mikroorganizmaya karşı etkili olduğu bulundu. Ayrıca, Sinop’a endemik olan Crocus speciosussubsp. xantholaimos’ın test edilen Gram-pozitif ve Gram-negatif bakterilere karşı yüksek antibakteriyal aktiviteye sahip olduğu belirlendi. Buna karşın,Laurus nobilisyaprak ve meyve özütleri 3Candidatürüne karşı daha yüksek antifungal aktivite gösterdi. Genel olarak bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, incelen bitki ekstraktlarının antibakteriyal ve antifungal aktiviteleri arasında önemli bir farkın olmadığını gösterdi.



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