
Batı Düşüncesinde ‘Zamandışı Tanrı’ Kavramı Üzerine Bazı Değerlendirmeler

Some Reflections on the Concept of ‘Timeless God’ in Western Thought

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Anyone who is interested in the question of the existence of God has to study first of all the divine attributes; for to say that God exists is to say that there is something that has some attributes. If ‘God exists’ is to be true, then the divine attributes must at least themselves be coherent and compatible. The coherence of the notion of God with His traditional divine attributes is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for the acceptance of God’s existence. This article investigates the concept of ‘timeless God’ which we meet often in discussions about divine attributes.
Abstract (Original Language): 
STURCH, R. L., “The Problem of the Divine Eternity” Religious Studies 10 (1974). HASKER, W., “Concerning the Intelligibility of ‘ God is Timeless’ New Scholasticism 57 (1983). HASKER, W., God, Time and Knowledge, Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca and London 1989. BURRELL, David B., “God’s Eternity” Faith and Philosophy I (1984). ST. ANSELME, Monologium, in St. Anselm: Basing Writings, 2d ed., trans. S. N. Deane (La Salle, III., Open Court 1962). ST. ANSELME, Proslogion, in Anselme of Canterbury, vol. I, ed. and trans. Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson, London 1974. HOLT, D. C., “Timelessness and the Metaphysics of Temporal Existence” American philosophical Quarterly 18 (1981). COBUM, R. C. “Professor Malcolm on God”, Australasian journal of Philosophy 41(1963). PIKE, N., God and Timelessness, New York-Schocken 1970.. KHAMARA, E. J., “Eternity and Omniscience”, Philosophical Quarterly 24(1974). PURTILL, Richard L., “Foreknowledge and Fatalism”, Religious Studies 10(1974). SCHLEIRMACHER, F., The Christian Faith, 2d ed.,trans. H. R. Mackintosh and J. S. Stewart, T. & T.Clark, Edinburgh 1956. HARTSHORNE, C., “Whitehead’s Revolutionary concept of Prohension”, International Philosophical Quarterly, XIX (1975). KENNY, A., Aquinas: A Collection of Critical Essays, London and Melbourne 1969.



AQUINAS, T., Summa Theologiae, Latin and English text, Blackfriars edn., London 1963.
AUGUSTINE of Hippo, Confessions, trans. R. S. Pine-Coffın, Harmondsworth 1961.
BOETHIUS, M., The Consollation of Philosophy, (trans. and ed. James J. Buchanan, New York 1957.
DAVIES, B., An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 1982.
SWINBUME, R., The Coherence of Theism, Clarendon Press, 3 rd. imp., Oxford 1989.
KNALE, W., “Time and Eternity in Theology” Proceeding of the Aristotelian Society (1961).
PRIOR, Arthur N., “The Formalities of Omniscience” Philosopy 32 (1962).
KRETZMANN, N., “Omniscience and Immutability” Journal of Philosophy 63 (1966).STURCH, R. L., “The Problem of the Divine Eternity” Religious Studies 10 (1974).
HASKER, W., “Concerning the Intelligibility of ‘ God is Timeless’ New Scholasticism 57 (1983).
HASKER, W., God, Time and Knowledge, Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca and London 1989.
BURRELL, David B., “God’s Eternity” Faith and Philosophy I (1984).
ST. ANSELME, Monologium, in St. Anselm: Basing Writings, 2d ed., trans. S. N. Deane (La Salle, III., Open Court 1962).
ST. ANSELME, Proslogion, in Anselme of Canterbury, vol. I, ed. and trans. Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson, London 1974.
HOLT, D. C., “Timelessness and the Metaphysics of Temporal Existence” American philosophical Quarterly 18 (1981).
COBUM, R. C. “Professor Malcolm on God”, Australasian journal of Philosophy 41(1963).
PIKE, N., God and Timelessness, New York-Schocken 1970..
KHAMARA, E. J., “Eternity and Omniscience”, Philosophical Quarterly 24(1974).
PURTILL, Richard L., “Foreknowledge and Fatalism”, Religious Studies 10(1974).
SCHLEIRMACHER, F., The Christian Faith, 2d ed.,trans. H. R. Mackintosh and J. S. Stewart, T. & T.Clark, Edinburgh 1956.
HARTSHORNE, C., “Whitehead’s Revolutionary concept of Prohension”, International Philosophical Quarterly, XIX (1975).
KENNY, A., Aquinas: A Collection of Critical Essays, London and Melbourne 1969.

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