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Abstract (2. Language): 
The rising rival atmosphere in our age makes the quality of man who isthe creator and implementor of the whole technology and renewals more strategic. In additon to the healthy foundation which wishes to catch up with the quality of goods and service, it needs an understanding of a management which establishes the organization in the best way… It is essential in Professional education that an organization understands and evaluates the chance and the development required by the age, increases the quality of workers through permanent education, satisfies those who are facilitating from the service of education by increasing the quality of taking decision in problem solving and education administration and, at the same time, aims that management which leads by spreading the use of data in talking decision is established. It is focus of the study that trying to increase the quality of education will lead a decrease inproblems and an increase in education of high quality and efficiency. It is concluded that it is essential to bring up human source of high quality, to determine mission and vision, to form the processes, after setting goals in quality, to prepare the documents needed to reach these goals and to support that these documents are used in accordance with their goals, and to ensure consciousness and awareness.



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