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Abstract (2. Language): 
Idioms and proverbs are fixed expressions, the foundations of which were laid by our antecedents. These expressions become fixed in a language after a long period of usage and they give beauty and richness to a language. These expressions, which are generally used figuratively rather than literally and render a language beautiful and efficient, are called idioms. While they are called „idioms‟ in Turkish, various terms are used to name these expressions in Azerbaijani, such as; „phrasal combinations, idioms, phrasal groups, phrasal compounds, phrasal units. ‟ Since our predecessors laid the foundations of idioms as well as proverbs, they play a very important role in identifying and promoting a nation‟s language, culture, customs and traditions. They reflect a nation‟s culture, history and language aesthetic. Both Turkish and Azerbaijani share common origins and are very rich in terms of idioms. Idioms give Turkish charm and a communicative power. Nations with a common history, culture, language and a perspective have similar idioms and proverbs. Idioms in Turkish and Azerbaijani are no exceptions. Hundreds of idioms are expressed with nearly the same words in the same meanings in these two languages. Like proverbs, idioms too are fixed and the order of the words can‟t be changed and the usage of idioms does not differ from one person to another. Most of the idioms are used figuratively although there are some with more or less literal meanings, such as “kimi kimsesi yok(with no friends and relatives), Yeri yurdu bellisiz(with no fixed abode), Özrü kabahatinden büyük(your excuse is even more outrageous than your crime), iyi gün dostu(the friend on good days only)”. Idioms are impossible to translate.



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Ortak Dil Bağlamında Türkiye ve Azerbaycan Sahası Deyimler 551
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