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Organizational culture, determines boarders of activities of organization and the content of these activities, is the basic phenomenon supported by the shape of the organizational structure, builds system with the organizational activities and covers the values and behaviour norms of employee belief systems, attitudes, and the organization. There can be some problems with the information flow and share of it in the organizations in Turkey. The managers perceive the information as a management power and do not want to share it with their employees. The employees who can not get enough access to the information are passive in claiming their work, taking risk and giving new ideas. As the base of innovation is making difference and novelty, so the main issue is change management. Because of one of the most important factors in the competition is the speed the information which is rapidly become old does not gain the value-added to the organization. However, shared information with others together with other information can achieve innovative aspect. The aim of this study is to research innovative base of Turkish management model and to emphasize the importance of being innovative. The role of management will be shown in creating sustainable competition in organization, at the side of achievement of the quality of management in support of innovation and in the effort of development of organizational culture. As a result, the type of innovative activities and conditions of success in the Turkish business organizations will be pointed out.



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