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Abstract (2. Language): 
Today, as a result of developments in economic, social and technological areas, companies carry on operating under intense competition conditions. As a result of global competition, companies feel necessity to create a positive image in the market to stay ahead of competitors, target audience and increase market share to they obtain a strong place. Companies are required to produce quality goods and services and also have a strong image to survive in the future, to ensure a lasting trademark in people’s mind. Firms with institutional images can reach identified corporate business goals more quickly and easily. Corporate image is subsumption of positive or negative thoughts of the target audience of enterprises that occur as a result of their perceptions. Corporate image arise after the impact of corporate identity on organization's employees, the target groups (customers, shareholders, financial institutions, etc.), and the public. The rapidly increasing level of prosperity and leisure time, internet, telecommunications and the spread of information technology use caused today’s rapidly developing tourism industry and made it the largest industry. As in all sectors, country and corporate image for the tourism industry has a vital importance. The image generated by prejudices, expectations, beliefs, feelings and thoughts, has an impression in the decision-making process of people, demanding the travel. The image of a powerful country and its institutions leads to people's travel preferences. Therefore, there is need to develop the existing image. To receive a share of tourism pie, countries that tourism developed work intensively to strengthen their image. Respected and reliable image of the country and accommodation business increase the acceptance in the whole world. This is an important step for country and business to be a trusted brand. The purpose of this Study is; to determine the importance of corporate image in accommodation sector and the factors affecting consumer preferences. This research is based on survey model. For this purpose, a scale is developed for accommodation companies activating in Istanbul within the framework of an application and SPSS analysis and comments had been made depending on the data collected.



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