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Abstract (2. Language): 
This research is dedicated to investigation the relationship between one of the complicated, multi-faceted and currently ongoing processes, namely, globalization and cultural identity exploring the Azerbaijani case. The research’s main objective is to find out whether there is a positive or negative relationship between Azerbaijani cultural identity and globalization, whether globalization changes the authentic nature of Azerbaijani culture or it contributes to its preservation and free public expression. Since the advocators of globalization assert that it does not absorb local cultures into the global western culture and quite contrary, it provides different nations and cultures with opportunities to express themselves, it has become challenging for me to examine changes in Azerbaijani cultural patterns under the impact of globalization. Azerbaijani culture represents an outstanding example of mixture of various cultures’ of peoples (ethnic groups) living in Azerbaijan. Besides it has been exposed to huge influence and inflows from other cultures outside of Azerbaijan Republic. This is due to Azerbaijan’s geopolitical disposition, as it is located on the cross-roads of Europe and Asia and historically had as its border neighbors two great empires namely, Russian and Persian Empires with distinct cultural backgrounds. Since globalization’s effects extend on many other spheres of human activity, such as politics, economics and social life, state cannot remain neutral or passive in the processes which globalization impacts on. The underlying assumption of this research is that the state is perceived to be an interested actor in and manager of interactions between globalization process and cultural identity.



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