
What the Spiritual Caregiver Should Know While Dealing with Survivors of Ethnic Violence

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Ethnic cleansing and genocide are different terms but both involve violence as a main tool, and many women and girls suffer from this kind of violence. The challenge for the spiritual caregiver is to define the major emotional turmoil of the patient and offer a helping hand. The main terminology involves the words „ethnic cleansing‟, „genocide‟ and „violence.‟ The case study is the Khojali genocide, which was recognized in the US Congress as the “biggest tragedy of the year” (Extensions of Remarks from Congressional Record E463). The paper discusses the role of spirituality and the major spiritual challenges of the spiritual caregiver and the patient, and suggests some helpful hints in the relationship between the spiritual caregiver and such clients. The deductive method has been used in this research. The participants involved in the project are from the survivors of the Khojali genocide in Azerbaijan.



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Internet Sources:
“As It Was... Unique Staff from the Place of Events”, Retrieved from: http: // www.fox.az/azeri/xocali.mpg
Extensions of Remarks from Congressional Record E463, Retrieved from: http://www.congressonrecord.com/page/E463

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