
Access to safe drinking water and sanitation under International Law

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The Article briefly describes the importance and significance of water to human life. The article comprises a legal analysis of whether such a right is present in international legal instruments and importance of implementation to national legislation of member states of United Nations. While examining water and sanitation as a human right, the article also briefly touches on the Constitutional provisions of some member states and the interpretations of relevant resolutions of the UN. The next part of the article addresses the relevance linking of human rights and water and sanitation. And from the human rights perspective, the article strongly advocates that water falls in the category of a human right and not just a human need. The author concluded that the rights to water and sanitation have not yet explicitly entered to human rights spheres.



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72 Azer Kasumov
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5. Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during Second World War, Volume 1, pg.263.
6. European Court on Human Rights, Mammadov versus Azerbaijan. Available on HUDOC database: http://cmiskp.echr.coe.int/tkp197/search.asp?skin=hudoc-en
7. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 1966, Article 2, 11.
8. Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989), Article 24.
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10. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimantion Against Women (CEDAW), Article 14. 1979,
11. United Nations General Assembly, Resolution “Access clean drinking water and sanitation” (A/64/L.63/Rev.1), July 28, 2010.
12. The UN Human Rights Council, Resolution on Human rights and access to safe drinking water and sanitation (A/HRC/15/L.14), September, 2010. Available on the internet at: http://ap.ohchr.org/documents/dpage_e.aspx?si=A/HRC/15/L.14; Last visited: December 12, 2011.

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