
Election System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Catalyst of Unsuccesful Democratization

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Bosnia and Herzegovina has faced serious democratic obstacles in the post-war period due to huge shortcomings in its Election Law, among other things. That is, implementation of human rights, and in this way right to vote, is obtruded by current Constitution and Election Law of BiH as it provides serious basis for discrimination. In fact, present election system in the country is not completely grounded in general, equal and secret right to vote and direct election for all citizens of BiH who have a voting right. Still, election system has to contain basic principles of democratic election law: principle of generality, principle of equality, principle of direct, secret and free right to vote. These principles represent unavoidable standards of contemporary representative democracy, that is, democratic elections. That's why election system in BiH has to launch democratic principles prescribed by the Constitution and international standards on human rights, in order to be legitimate. Due to this reason conceptual changes in Election Law are not so easy move because they encroach into the essence of the B&H Constitution. However, election re-engineering, changes or reforms in election system of some country, are understood as a normal, even welcomed step if they will contribute to democratic optimization in the country. Bosnia can not make progress in democratic process if it does not make necessary changes in its election system.



1. Rainer-Olaf Shultze, Sociology of Elections, in Dieter Nohlen (ed.),
“Dictionary of State and Politics” (München, 1996), 115.
2. Pravni leksikon, (Beograd, 1970), 378-379.
3. Rainer-Olaf Shultze, Sociology of Elections, in Dieter Nohlen (ed.),
“Dictionary of State and Politics” (München, 1996), 115.
4. Suad Arnautović, Političko predstavljanje i izborni sistemi u Bosni i
Hercegovini u XX stoljeću, (Sarajevo, 2009), 274.
5. Ibid, 275.
6. Mirjana Kasapović, Izborni leksikon (Zagreb, 2003), 160.
7. Mirjana Kasapović, Izborni leksikon (Zagreb, 2003), 198.
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(2004), 31-47, at 36.
9. ECHR, case 27996/06 and 34836/06, Sejdić and Finci v. Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Judgment of 22 December, 2009, 28-29.
10. Andrew Heywood, Politics (New York, 2002), 435-436.
11. http://www.izbori.ba/default.asp?col=Statistika
12. Bosnia and Herzegovina General Election 2010, Final Report of Election
Observing Mission OSCE/ODIHR, 2010, 6-7.
13. Ibid, 8.
14. Adis Arapović, „Analisys of Pre-election Rhetoric“, in Bosnia and
Herczegovina Generaln elections 2010: Lessons Learned, (Strassbourg,
2011), 79.
15. Bosnia and Herzegovina General Election 2010, Final Report of Election
Observing Mission OSCE/ODIHR, 2010, 10.
16. Momir Dejanović, Izbori u BiH 2006. i 2010. godine, (Doboj, 2011), 112.
17. Bosnia and Herzegovina General Election 2010, Final Report of Election
Observing Mission OSCE/ODIHR, 2010, 17.
18. http://www.izbori.ba/default.asp?col=Statistika
19. Bosnia and Herzegovina General Election 2010, Final Report of Election
Observing Mission OSCE/ODIHR, 2010, 12.
20. Parlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, Resolution 1839, The political
situation in the Balkans, 2011, 2.
Election System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Catalyst of Unsuccesful … 36
21. Andrew Haywood, Politics (New York, 2002), 221.
22. Ibid, 223.
23. Mirko Pejanović, Politički razvitak Bosne i Hercegovine u postdejtonskom
periodu, (TKD Šahinpašić, 2005), 54.
24. Vladimir Goati, et.al., Preporuke za izmenu izbornog zakonodavstva u Srbiji,
(Beograd, 2008), 44;
25. Ibid.
26. Dieter Nohlen, Dictionary of State and Politics (München, 1996), 124-125.
27. Suad Arnautović, Političko predstavljanje i izborni sistemi u Bosni i
Hercegovini u XX stoljeću, (Sarajevo, 2009), 290-291.
28. Andrew Haywood, Politics (New York, 2002), 144.

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