
Çatışma Yönetimleri Bağlamında Bosna Hersek için Siyasal Düzen Seçenekleri

Political Arrangement Options for Bosnia and Herzegovina In Terms of Ethnic Conflict Management

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Between the social scientists it is an agreed issue that ethnic conflicts are a universal phenomenon which are through the history of humanity. Social scientists’ experiences show us that deeply ethnically formed societies are tending to offer an unstable state structure. Such societies contain various mutually competing groups which consistently struggle for supremacy over the state institutions or for the central political authority. The main reason of these ethno-politic conflicts stem from the underdeveloped civic consciousness on power-sharing. Among the most remarkable cases of violent breakdowns of the multi ethnic states are the countries that were once a part of the URSS or Yugoslavia. Despite of the fact that the geographical and the domestic dynamics of these 2 cases offer a different face; we might apply the general principles of the ethnic conflict theories on Bosnia and Herzegovina Crises. This study seeks to expose models for management of ethnic conflicts specifically on Bosnia and Herzegovina case.



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