
Characterization of ternary semigroups in terms of (∈, ∈ ∨qk) ideals

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In this paper, we present the concepts of (∈,∈ ∨qk)-fuzzy ideals in ternary semigroups, which is a generalization of the (∈,∈ ∨q) fuzzy ide- als of a ternary semigroups. In this regard, we define (∈,∈ ∨qk)-fuzzy left (right, lateral) ideals, (∈,∈ ∨qk)-fuzzy quasi-ideals and (∈,∈ ∨qk)- fuzzy bi-ideals and prove some basic results using these definitions. Spe- cial concentration is paid to (∈,∈ ∨qk)-fuzzy left (right, lateral) ideals, (∈,∈ ∨qk)-fuzzy quasi-ideals and (∈,∈ ∨qk)-fuzzy bi-ideals. Further- more, we characterize regular ternary semigroups in terms of these no- tions



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