
The Practices and Challenges of Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Practicum Implementation in Haramaya University Cluster, Ethiopia

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The main objective of this study is to investigate the practices and challenges of ınvestıgatıng the practıces and challenges of postgraduate dıploma ın teachıng practıcum ımplementatıon ın Haramaya Unıversıty cluster. In order to achieve this purpose, a descriptive survey research method was employed. By using simple random sampling, purposive sampling and availability sampling techniques a total of 209 respondents were selected from Somali Regional State, East Hararghe Zone and West Hararghe Zone. The data were collected from respondents through questionnaires, interview and documents. Quantitative data were analyzed and interprated usig different statistical tools such as frequecny distribution, percentiles, mean and grandmean. In addition to this, qualitative data were analzed through narration in the way it supplement the quantitative data analysis. This study was found out that large number of mentors has experiences between 1-3 years. This helps to conclude that the experience of the mentors were not sufficient enough to properly contribute for professional development of mentees. This study also revealed that there were shortage of materials and facilities in the school to properly carry out practicum activities. As a result it is very difficult to effectively and efficiently accomplish practicum tasks. Therefore, MoE, REB, ZED, WEO, Secondary Schools, Universities and other stakeholders should have to fulfill necessary materials and facilities in Secondary Schools so that mentees will easily and successfully carried out their practicum activities. This study also found out that the mentors knowledge, skill and experiences were not as expected. As a result mentors faced a challenge to deliver necessary supports for their mentee. Therefore, Universities in collaboration with other stakeholders should have to provide continuous and relevant trainings on Practicum work such mentoring, portfolio preparation and others in order to make them more competent and contribute further for professional development of teachers. This study also revealed that there was a poor flow of information in the implementation of practicum program. This resulted in disorganization of the implementation of PGDT Practicum activities. Therefore, MoE and Universities should have to plan together in collaboration with Secondary Schools in order to make national wide uniform implementations of Practicum Programs throughout the country so that all mentees and mentors have got equal opportunities to get access to necessary information and work together strongly.



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