
The Relationship between the Self-Care Skills of Children Attending Preschool and Perfectionisms of Their Mothers

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between ongoing preschool children’s self-care skills and children’s and mothers’ ages, mothers’ levels of education, whether mothers are employed or not and mothers’ perfectionism. The population of the study, which was in the relational survey model, consisted of children aged 3-6 attending preschool education and their mothers. The sample of the study, on the other hand, included 324 children aged 3-6 attending preschool education institutions in the province of Konya, and their mothers. "Preschool Self-Care Skills Scale" and "Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale" were used in the study. Variance Analysis, t-Test and Pearson's Correlation Test were used to analyze the data. As a result of the study, it was found that as far as the ages of the mothers were concerned, there were differences among the mothers aged 31-35 and those aged 41 and above in the toilet sub-dimension of the self-care skills; according to the mothers’ levels of education, there were differences among the mothers who were secondary school-high school/secondary school-university graduates in the self-protection from dangers sub-dimension; there were differences among the mothers who were primary school-university graduates in the toilet sub-dimension; there were differences in the neatness sub-dimension among the children of the mothers who were literate-university/secondary school-university graduates; according to the employment status of the mothers, there were differences in the self-care skills dressing sub-dimension, whereas there were differences in the self-care skills toilet sub-dimension scores in terms of the children’s age variable. It was seen that the relationship between mothers’ perfectionism and children’s self-care skills in the sub-dimensions of protecting the self from dangers, toilet use, cleanliness and neatness was high, positive and significant.



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