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Abstract (2. Language): 
Social environment incorporates also the life space, as expresses by Lewin. Environment is an important factor as much as heredity in formation of personality. Life space includes the family (restrictions and understandings in the family), neighborhood, school and environment type. This constitute the life space of the child (Tezcan, 1996:44). The process of recognizing individual underlies all the activities in education where individuals are the case. Recognizing the individual involves knowing the particulars regarding his/her identity and appearance as well as mainly his/her biological, psychological and social behaviors, personal characteristics and needs. For recognizing the individual, it is required to gather information about the person, and analyze, evaluate, interpret these information in a meaningful way, and reach certain syntheses. Interaction of the parents and other persons in the family with the child establishes the position of the child within the family. Family is where the child acquires his/her first social experiences. Therefore, the behaviors addressing the child and the attitudes assumed against him/her affect his/her both personality and social improvement. Moreover, the size, socio-economic and cultural level of the family where the child raises establish the form of his/her first social experiences. The family relations and the social environment lived in are known to have effect on psycho-social improvement of the child (Başal, 2004:145). For Gordon (1993); the influence area of the parents on the child is very extensive. The statute acquired, value gained, identity developed by the child in the family becomes the indicator of the identity, statute and value to be gradually gained by him within the society. What social, economical and educational level the families of the students preferring Anatolian teacher high schools have, and social points of these students were investigated in this study. According to study results, it will be tried to identify the relations of the students preferring these schools with their families, educational, social, economical levels of the families, and social points of the students. The aim of this study is to examine social statuses of the students studying at Anatolian teacher high schools. This study aiming to reveal the social statuses of the students studying at Anatolian teacher high schools of the Ministry of National Education has the survey design. Survey designs aim to describe a past or existing situation in the way it exists (Karasar, 1991:77). In this study that was conducted with the aim of revealing the social statuses of the students of Anatolian teacher high school in the light of several variables; it was tried to reveal the demographic characteristics of the students studying at Anatolian teacher high schools and their own interests and attitudes as well as socio-economical characteristics of the families attitudes and their own interests and attitudes in respect of orientation to such high schools. The study universe comprised a total of 1,172 students studying at ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades of all Anatolian teacher high schools located in the central county and other counties (Bünyan, Develi, Pınarbaşı, Talas ve Yahyalı) of Kayseri province, and the study sample comprised 543 students studying at these schools and selected through random sampling. The study was conducted with survey design by using questionnaire technique. The questionnaire comprised a total of 44 questions with 10 questions aiming to reveal demographic characteristics of Anatolian teacher high schools and with 34 questions aiming to reveal socio-economical characteristics of their families. Expert opinions and suggestions were referred to in order to ensure that questionnaire data are obtained healthily and to prepare the questionnaire so that it serves the purpose. The data obtained as a result of the questionnaire were analyzed by frequency and percentage through one the packet programme. According to the data obtained in the study, 38.9% of the families live in provincial centrum (metropolis and city), and 61.5% of them lived in counties and smaller settlements. A great majority of the students who participated in the study conducted by Devecioğlu and Sarıkaya (2006) and Gök (2007) reside in provincial centrum. This does not match with this conclusion of the study conducted by the author. According to the conclusion of the study conducted by Kuru and Pepe (2000), the population intensity of the students are generally general in the province and counties. Mothers of 89.1% of these students do not work. Hence, predominantly father makes the earning of the household. It was determined that occupation of 83.2% of the fathers was official, farmer and pensioner, and that monthly income of 73.8% of them was in the range of less than the subsistence wage to TL 1,950. We can be said that economic level of the families is not so good. A great majority of the students do not smoke. Furthermore, a great majority of the students know how to use computer. Fathers and mothers of a great majority live together. It was determined that monthly income of 16% of the families was below the subsistence wage, and of 57.8% of them was in the range of TL 651-1,950. According to the study conducted by Gök (2007), it was found that a great majority of monthly incomes of the families was TL 700 and higher. These conclusions are close to conclusions of the study conducted by the author. According to the results of the study conducted by Kuru ve Pepe (2002), it was revealed that 13.3% of monthly incomes of the students' families were in the range of 100 to 150 million, 41.6% were in the range of 151 to 200 million, 24.4% were in the range of 201 to 300 million, and 21.6% were 300 million and higher. These conclusions are comparable to the results of the studies conducted by (Kılınç, Gökdemir 2000), (Koçyiğit 1992), (Haşıl, Taneli, Erdem 1992), (Pepe 2000). It was concluded that the monthly incomes of the families in the study conducted by the author was higher than the monthly incomes of the families in the mentioned studies. Quarrels, loud arguments and miffs are sometimes experienced in half of the families. More than half of the students have voluntarily preferred Anatolian teacher high school at their own wills. Educational level of mothers and fathers of the students studying at Anatolian teacher high schools was secondary school in general. Moreover, a great majority of their mothers were housewives, and occupations of their fathers were official, worker, pensioner and farmer. According to the results of the study conducted by Işıksoluğu (1988), the students were from families which did not have a high socio-economical level.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmanın amacı, anadolu öğretmen liselerinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin sosyal durumlarını incelemektir. Betimsel tarama modeli kullanılarak yapılan çalışmanın evrenini 2011-2012 eğitim-öğretim yılında, Kayseri ilinde bulunan Anadolu öğretmen liselerinin dokuz, on, onbir ve onikinci sınıflarında öğrenim gören toplam 1172 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise bu sınıflardan basit tesadüfî örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen 543 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen “anadolu öğretmen liselerinde okumakta olan öğrencilerin sosyal durumlarının incelenmesine” yönelik olarak hazırlanan anket kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerle frekans ve yüzde hesapları yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, anadolu öğretmen liselerinde okumakta olan öğrencilerin yarısının anne ve babalarının eğitim seviyesi ilkokul ve ortaokuldur. Ayrıca annelerinin büyük bir çoğunluğu ev hanımı ve babaları ise memur, işçi, emekli ve çiftçidir. Ailelerin yarıdan fazlası küçük yerleşim yerlerinde ikamet etmektedir. Ailelerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun geliri asgari ücretin altı ile 1950 TL arasındadır. Öğrencilerin yarıdan fazlası okulda kendisini yalnız hissettiğini belirtmiştir.