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Abstract (2. Language): 
Research is made according to the following problems: “How is education system for primary school in Denmark?” and “In what ways show Turkey?” In this search it is used the horizontal and descriptive approach as a method. For this purpose it is compared similarities and differences by examining the relevant literature in identifying approach; it is also discussed all dimensions in education system, the general structure of education system, funding, courses in primary school, duration of courses, learning environment, assessment etc. In this study the primary and secondary sources are examined. It is used documents, programs (Folkeskole) that obtained from Denmark Ministry of Education and researcher’s observations as the primary sources; it is utilized comparative education literature as the secondary sources. Findings: Education is free in both countries. Education is compulsory between the ages of 6-7 and 16-17 years in Denmark; it is also compulsory between the ages 6-14 in Turkey. It is educate active citizens the general goals of the education system in both countries. It is made EVA (Danish Evaluation Institute) which is an independent structure of Ministry Education the evaluation about education system. In Turkey inspectors who work within the Ministry of Education are controlled teachers and administrators at the education and training level. Whether the education is received in a publicly provided school, in a private school or at home is a matter of individual choice, as long as accepted standards are met. Also there are centers of municipality which spend leisure time for children. It is also not found centers of this kind in Turkey. The Folkeskole consists of one year of pre-school class, nine years of primary and lower secondary education and one-year 10th class and 10th class is optional. Primary schools and pre-school education is called as "Folkeskole”. Content is distributed within three subject areas as social, practical/creative and scientific and compulsory for all students. This classification is made as elective and compulsory courses in Turkey. Learning environment is organized to gain collaborative experience to students and to provide project-based learning of students in Denmark. So there is a seating arrangement for team-work. The classes are usually organized according to sequential column technique in Turkey. Evaluation is also provided the future planning of education as well as sharing with the family about student’s learning outcomes in Denmark. At the end of 9 and 10 class, Folkeskole students enter for school-leaving examinations. Students have an exam each course (except electives courses) at the end of the period at the level of the class passing rather than school- leaving examinations. Results and Discussion: Education is compulsory for everyone between the ages of 6-16 in Denmark since 2009, compulsory for everyone between the ages 6-14 in Turkey since 1997. At the same time today one- year pre-school education which is free is compulsory since August 2009 in Denmark; it is also started the implementation of compulsory pre-school in several pilot cities in Turkey. This is a positive development for both countries. Because this period consists time that is strong the individual’s learning ability. Education is a local structure in Denmark. It is planned and carried out centrally in Turkey. As of today conditions, it is observed that this situation creates difficulties in solving problems relating to education and uncover view which need to go decentralization in education. In this context, it can be done required studies for localization and be taken model the developed countries. In Denmark and Turkey curriculum is determined at the national level by the Ministry of Education. Denmark Education System carries local impacts as different from Turkey in terms of issues such as the decisions taken in the field of education in Denmark, the school system, duration of lessons, the choice of textbooks. There are special classes for students who have mental retardation, dyslexia, hearing problems or other problems. In addition, these students can be participated courses in a normal class environment with a qualified teacher. But teachers have not sufficient knowledge and competence and don’t take necessary the expert support in mainstream implement in Turkey. It should be done studies about it. The project work that provides active participation of student to learning process forms the basis of project work in Danish education system. But this approach is insufficient in implement in Turkey. Because the project is perceived as homework that will printed on the internet by students or need to be done for parents children, so it may not the desired result from activities. It is basis the student-centered education system in Denmark and Turkey; it is foregrounding the implement within the framework of constructivism. But, it is complicated the implement of constructivism the negative factors such as can not to be perceived constructivist understanding. For this reason, the Ministry of Education should the necessary measures. In addition, it is attracted the attention large number of students for per teacher in Turkey. In this context, it can be recommended to organize the learning environment as the student-centered increasing number of classrooms and teachers. Resource centers are established for teacher in the each region in Denmark and there are resource centers most municipalities. These centers provide the preparation of teacher to lessons more effective. It can be recommended to take an example of similar centers in our country. In every school in Denmark have regular meetings about student’s situation and problems and for this reason teachers, student’s families and students often come face to face. In this way, parents take place the education process. It has surface meetings with families about general condition of student. Whereas it should be supported the participation of parents. In the Danish education system don’t have examination until the level of 9 class; the students also must have written and oral examinations at every class level in Turkey. Therefore the students are perceived the course as a pile of issues that need work to pass the class.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Çalışmada Danimarka ve Türkiye’nin eğitim sisteminin genel yapısı, eğitim finansmanı, ilköğretimdeki dersleri, ders süreleri, öğrenme ortamları, değerlendirme süreçleri, vs. karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, yöntem olarak “yatay yaklaşım” ve “tanımlayıcı yaklaşım” kullanılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda birincil ve ikincil kaynaklar incelenmiştir. Birincil kaynak olarak Danimarka Eğitim Bakanlığından elde edilen doküman, programlar ve araştırmacı gözlemleri kullanılırken, ikincil kaynak olarak karşılaştırmalı eğitim literatüründen faydalanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi sonucunda şu bulgulara ulaşılmıştır: Danimarka eğitim sistemi, eğitim alanında alınan kararlar, okul sistemi, ders saatlerinin uzunluğu ya da kısalığı, ders kitaplarının seçimi gibi hususlar bakımından Türkiye’den farklı olarak yerel izler taşımaktadır. Danimarka eğitim sisteminde öğrencinin sürece aktif katılımını sağlayan proje çalışması öğrenme sürecinin temelini oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye’de ise bu yaklaşım süreçte tasarım olarak yer almamakta, uygulamada yetersiz kalmaktadır. Öte yandan Danimarka’da öğrenciler 9. sınıf düzeyine kadar sınav olmamaktadır. Ayrıca öğrencinin değerlendirilmesinde veli ile işbirliği yapılmaktadır. Buna karşın, Türkiye’de öğrenciler her sınıf düzeyinde yazılı ve sözlü sınava girmek zorundadır ve veliyle işbirliği gerçekleştirilememektedir.



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