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Abstract (2. Language): 
Language is the basic of culture. It is a bridge that helps us to carry cultural values which belong to past, to now and from now to the future. At this aspect, language appears with features of carrying culture in the continuing time line. This feature of it gives both itself and the community that speak the language to be alive. Vocabulary is the component that brings forth the language. All words which are used in one language are the basis of vocabulary. Proverbs and idoms are the most important resource. Richness of a language can not be measured by how many words a language has but new meanings of the words of the language that gain in time. The words can not have new meaning differences by themselves. Events that community experiences and how people name them are predicated on words and these words develop with new meaning differences. That means language gets rich. The importance of proverbs and idioms in vocabulary belonging to a language is undoubtedly very great. Proverbs are the hortative words which were attributed to public and told on the grounds of long lasting experiences and observations. On the other hand, idioms are the stereotyped phrases which are somewhat different from their real meanings and have an intriguing meaning. Our proverbs and idioms are the converted verbal forms of our view of life, values, traditions and beliefs. In fact, every proverb, every idiom is our cultural value. Turkish language is very rich in terms of proverbs and idioms. This shows that how various ways of life perception and view of the world Turkish nation has. Proverbs and idioms which are the intangible particles of culture of the society are important in terms of both enriching the narration and carrying the cultural elements from past to present as the words of wisdom reflecting the philosophy of the society. Because of it, it is necessary to let adolescent genarations aware of this heritage and protect it. Just as one of general purposes of public education according to the public education main law numbered 1739 it is said “ turkish nation is the people who accept national, humanistic, moral and cultural values, and protect them, always try to elevate family and country.” Therefore it should be given importance to teach proverbs and idioms which are the part of cultural values. This can only be done by systematic education efforts. The teaching of proverbs and idioms is included in the curriculum of Turkish course at Primary school, but it can be said that it is not enough. The curriculum of social studies (4th-7th grades) which is one of primary school courses does not include any kind of explanation or instruction about how proverbs and idioms in addition to literary products and written materials should be used/benefitted from. The absence of any kind of explanation/sample about how proverbs and idioms, which aren’t even included enough in Turkish course, should be benefitted from in social studies curriculum necessitated this research. This research was carried out with the aim of determining the proverbs and idioms suitable for the extent of eight learning domains from 4th grade to 7th grade in 2005 Social Studies Curriculum. This research was carried out with the scanning model based on 2005 Social Studies Curriculum, Proverbs and Idioms Dictionary by Aksoy (1991) and Proverbs and Idioms Dictionary (2011) which is available from the web page of Turkish Language Association. In this research document scanning model was used in gathering the data. In the research the samples reflecting the extent of learning domain “Production, Delivery and Consumption” (32 proverbs and 48 idioms) were found at most. It was followed by the proverbs and idioms regarding the learning domains of “Individual and Society” (23 proverbs and 36 idioms) and “People, Places and Environments” (34 proverbs and 20 idioms). However, it can be said that there are still considerable numbers of proverbs and idioms regarding to these domains when it is considered that the extents of learning domains of “Groups, Associations and Social Organizations” (14 proverbs and 13 idioms) and “Power, Administration and Society” (14 proverbs and 9 idioms) are very close to each other. The compiled proverbs and idioms related to the learning domains of “Global links” (6 proverbs and 12 idioms), “Sciences, Technology and Society” (6 proverbs and 9 idioms) and “Culture and Heritage” (8 proverbs and 4 idioms) are less than the other learning domains. In the research 137 proverbs and 151 idioms suitable for the extents of eight learning domains from the 4th grade to the 7th grade in 2005 Social Studies Curriculum were compiled. It was found that these proverbs and idioms were mostly related to the elements of production, collective work, weather events, climate, personality traits, interpersonal relations, cultural elements. As a result of the research, it was suggested that social studies should be connected with Turkish course; group teachers should cooperate; these proverbs and idioms determined in teaching social studies course should be benefitted from; sample activities and teaching layouts aimed at using proverbs and idioms in addition to oral and written literary products in social studies course should be improved.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu araştırma, 2005 Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretim Programı’nda dördüncü sınıftan yedinci sınıfa kadar devam eden sekiz öğrenme alanının kapsamına uygun atasözü ve deyimlerin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tarama modeli ile yapılan araştırmada, sosyal bilgiler öğretim programındaki sekiz öğrenme alanının kapsamına uygun 137 atasözü ve 151 deyim derlenmiştir. Bu atasözü ve deyimlerin çoğunlukla üretim, yardımlaşma, hava olayları, iklim, çevre, kişilik özellikleri, kişiler arası ilişkiler, kültürel ögelerle ilgili olduğu tespit edilmiş ve bunların öğretimine ilişkin önerilerde bulunulmuştur.



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