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Abstract (2. Language): 
The topics of science and technology course are closely associated with daily life. The similarities of real life topics are increase their interest in the subject and as a result, many studies indicate the occurrence are more effective for learning. Hence, relating real life to science and technology courses makes the lessons more entertaining and contributes to the development of positive attitudes by students towards the course. Besides formal education, informal education has also an important role in the education of science literate individuals who can relate daily life to science education. Informal science teaching can be basically defined as training performed outside the school through various channels. Such education can include activities such as watching television, reading textbooks, magazines and newspapers, visiting museums and science centers. Some objectives of the science and technology course are concerned with making connections with daily life and newspapers present data relating the objectives of the course; therefore, newspapers can be suitable materials to be used in this course. Incorporating newspapers into lesson plans may render science and technology course more interesting; hence, may have positive contributions to students’ participation and academic achievement. In addition to this, this may positively affect students’ higher level thinking skills and their attitudes towards the course. The content of newspapers reflects readers’ daily lives, experiences and needs. Therefore, newspapers serve the function of a bridge between the class and real life. Discussions of new innovations in science in different parts of newspapers draw the interest of students and use of newspapers in class facilitates the generation of connections between science and daily life. Level of being related with daily life and students' learnings is one of the criteria shown whether purpose of the education is reached. However, according to many research results, students can not do associate with daily life. A matter of fact in our country for the use of newspapers in science classes as a limited number of studies on students' academic achievement in elementary science and technology courses shows that, attitudes, and higher-level thinking skills, increase benefited from the newspapers.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Fen ve teknoloji dersi konuları günlük yaşam ile yakından ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle, günlük yaşam ile fen ve teknoloji derslerini ilişkilendirmek, dersleri eğlenceli hale getirir ve öğrencilerin derse karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmelerini sağlar. Fen ve teknoloji dersi amaçlarının günlük yaşamla ilişki kurmaya yönelik olması ve gazetelerin bu dersin kazanımlarına yönelik verileri içermesi, bu dersin gazete kullanımı ile uygunluğunu göstermektedir. Kolay elde edilebilme, pahalı olmama ve güncel bilgiler içerme gibi özellikleri gazetenin öğretim materyali olarak kullanılabilirliğini arttırmaktadır. Gazetelerden faydalanılarak hazırlanan ders etkinliklerin sınıfta oluşturduğu informal atmosferle birlikte fen ve teknoloji derslerinin daha ilgi çekici olması sağlanarak öğrencilerin derse katılımı dolayısıyla da akademik başarılarını arttırmak mümkün olabilir. Bu araştırmada ülkemizde fen eğitiminde gazete kullanımının öneminin vurgulanması ve gazetelerden fen derslerinde nasıl faydalanılacağının derinlemesine tartışılması amaçlanmış, fen eğitiminde gazetelerden nasıl faydalanılacağının daha iyi anlaşılması için örnek 2 ders etkinliği ayrıntılı olarak sunulmuştur



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