Adaptation of Perceived Learning Scale to Turkish
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- Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
This study is about adapting a perceived learning scale for education.
Learning is a permanent change in behavior or changing behaves specifically as a result of
application or other forms of experience (Schunk, 2004). In this respect, learning emerges as a
process of the inner and the outer change. Mostly learning emerges as an internal process in a
short time with a direct impact and change. Because of this, it is not easy to measure learning. In
this aspect, measuring learning is done with direct observations, written or oral responses,
evaluation or grading of others and self-evaluation (Schunk, 2004).This kind of learning process
is met with the constructivist approach.
Nowadays, constructivism as the dominant learning approach in education, put students at the
center and students to be active in the learning process. So the student takes both active and
participatory role in the learning content, media, evaluation and all the learning process. Thus,
a self-evaluation application becomes important. The students‘ opinions about their own
learning experiences are related with perceived learning. In the past, the teacher's assessment
for the learning process was the most prominent. In today's learning environments, along with
taking students into the center, student's own perceptions and their world are also taken into
consideration. For this reason, the concept of perceived learning has gained importance in
education. Perceived learning (PL) is seen as important as students‘ learning level.
PL is the collection of a feeling and belief on learning that takes place (Caspi & Blau, 2008). It
can be seen that several factors are related with PL in PL-related studies (Menzel & Carrell,
1999; Jiang & Ting, 2000; Swan, 2001; Boeglin & Campbell, 2002; Richardson & Swan, 2003;
Fredericksen, Pickett & Shea, 2006; Ferguson & DeFelice, 2010; Haverila, 2010; Lo, 2010;
Ferreira, Cardoso & Abrantes, 2011). According to these studies, PL is mostly at the forefront of
adult education and distance education applications (Fredericksen, Pickett, Pelz, Swan, & Shea,
1999; Glass & Sue, 2008; Stein & Wheaton, 2002; Wu & Hiltz, 2004).
Within this research, scales of PL were examined and there isn‘t any scale development or
adaptation study in education researches in Turkey about directly PL. This study seems
important in terms of to develop a reliable and valid scale to measure the PL of students. For
this purpose, this research is the study of the adaptation of the PL scale which was developed
by Rovai, Wighting, Baker and Grooms (2009).
This study adapted the PL scale which was developed as 9 items and 3-factor structure to
Turkish. For the Turkish from of PL scale, after obtaining primarily the required permits from
Rovai who was developed PL scale, PL scale was translated into Turkish, 4 experts‘ opinions
were taken, bilingual 22 students completed Turkish and English forms of the scale at different
times and the validity and reliability analyzes were applied to 227 face to face students in
Sakarya University Education Faculty. In this study, for validity, primarily exploratory factor analysis (EFA) varimax rotation was
done. For verifying the scale structure, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted.
Structure of PL scale which consist of 3 factors including cognitive, affective and psychomotor
factors was appeared with EFA and this structure was found similar to the original scale after
finding the correlation 0.77 between the scores obtained from English and Turkish forms of PL
scale. Then the 3-factor structure was found to have acceptable and compatible values with
CFA. For the criterion validity a positive correlation between academic achievement and
satisfaction that can be used was found. Cronbach's alpha values for looking at the consistency
of PL scale‘s latent variable and sub-factors in the scale model were determined and it was
found .83 for the whole scale. Test-retest was applied for the stability of PL scale. The
correlation coefficient was found .682 as a result of the correlation test with the data obtained
from 40 students with an interval of 1 week.
Eventually, reliable and valid scale which was developed by Rovai, Wighting, Baker and
Grooms (2009) was adapted to Turkish. The original form of the scale has been developed
students of online and face to face learning. In future studies, scale may be examined whether it
has a similar structure to distance learning or blended learning students. Besides the scale can
be used to identify and compare blended learning, distance and face to face learning students‘
PL. Moreover, researches that examine PL in different learning practices and several variables
that affect the PL may be carried out.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Günümüzde hâkim öğrenme yaklaşımı olan yapılandırmacılık, merkeze öğrenciyi koymakta ve
öğrencinin öğrenme sürecinde aktif olmasını ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Bu yönüyle öğrenci, öğrenme sürecinde
öğrenme içeriği, ortamı ve değerlendirme sürecinde hem aktif hem de katılımcı bir rol almakta ve öğrencinin
kendi kendisini değerlendirdiği bir uygulama önem kazanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Rovai, Wighting,
Baker ve Grooms (2009) tarafından geliştirilen ölçeğin Türkçe formunu oluşturmaktır. Algılanan öğrenme
ölçeği Türkçe formunun oluşturulmasında ilk olarak maddeler orijinalinden Türkçeye araştırmacılarca
çevrilmiş, çevrilen maddeler görüş almak amacıyla uzmanlara sunulmuş ve bu görüşlere göre düzeltmeler
yapılmıştır. Orijinal ölçek ve çevrilen form 15 gün içinde iki dile hâkim öğrencilere verilerek
doldurtulmuştur. Dilsel eşdeğerlik için hesaplanan korelasyon değer 0.77 bulunmuştur. Bu değer yüksek
korelasyonu gösterdiğinden Türkçe form orijinal ölçekle dilsel eş değer olarak ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra
Türkçe form yapı geçerliği ve tutarlılık hesaplanabilmesi için 227 öğrenciye doldurtulmuştur. Yapı geçerliği
için yapılan analizler sonucunda ölçek 9 madde ve 3 faktörlü yapıda bulunmuştur. Türkçe formun iç
tutarlılık değeri 0.83 çıkmıştır. Uyarlanan Türkçe form, çalışma grubundan elde edilen veriler ışığında
geçerli ve güvenilir olarak değerlendirilebilir.
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