Perception of Parents Who Have Got Gifted Children in Their Children‟s
Journal Name:
- Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Education begins in the family. Therefore, the
family has a critical role in a child‘s development and education. It is known that the family
plays a crucial role in the talent development of their children. In this regard, with their special
features, the status of gifted children gains more importance. It is essential to identify the role
and the function of parents in identifying and developing gifted children‘s talent.
Renzulli (1999) states that gifted children represent an important group among the students
with special educational needs. He also reports that giftedness indicates different needs. The
Ministry of National Education (Meb, 2007) identifies the gifted and talented children as whose
higher levels of performance in terms of intelligence, creativity, art, sports, leadership capacity
or specific academic areas than their peers are acknowledged by specialists. Silverman (2010)
identifies the giftedness as asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities
and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are
qualitatively different from norms.
Characteristics of gifted children include speed in acquisition and retention of knowledge;
remarkable research, inquiry and curiosity; innate motivation; inquiry of the existence;
conceptual summarisation; synthesis; emphasis on reality, equality and impartiality; research
for arranging people and events; extensive vocabulary, advanced unlimited knowledge; high
expectations of self and others; creativity; high concentration; long attention spans and
persistence in the areas of interest (Webb, 1994).
As Silverman (2010) points, children learn first from their parents. Parents can process the
personal interests of their gifted children with further assistance and meet their needs by
offering appropriate educational opportunities. According to Olszewki-Kubilius (2008), parents
are the engineers of the learning environments that promote talent development. Their
perspectives can influence a talented child and his/her abilities. Sungur (2005) claims that
creative learning begins at home.
In light of the information mentioned above, it can be concluded that the needs and educational
characteristics of gifted children, whose developmental stages are different from their peers in
terms of intellectual, emotional and physical developments or in one or more of these abilities,
can differ from average children.
It is self-evident that parents who deal with the education of their gifted children directly have
great responsibilities. In this regard, the education of parents of gifted children becomes crucial.
Davaslıgil (2000) emphasizes that parents of gifted children need even more education than
parents ofaverage children.
In light of the information given above, parents of gifted children should be highly attentive in
the development process of their children and they should manage this process with great
It is observed that parents of gifted children have difficulties in many issues in the education
process of their children and try to overcome these difficulties with their own dedicated efforts.
It is also observed that the services related to the parental education are quite limited in our country. This study aims at finding answers to how parents of the gifted perceive themselves
regarding their children‘s education and identifying the areas they need to be supported.
The purpose of this study is to identify the perceptions of parents of gifted children about
themselves regarding their children‘s education.
Method: Target population of the present study is 110 parents whose children attended Adana
Science and Art Center in the 2008-2009 education year. The participants are 94 parents who
expressed their opinions.
The data were collected through a questionnaire which consisted of 28 items. The alpha internal
consistency coefficient of the items was found .87. The first part of the questionnaire aimed to
identify personal information about parents. In the second part, there werefive-point likert type
expressions including the perceptions of parents about themselves regarding their children‘s
The study has made use of descriptive survey method. Analysis of the data was conducted
using percentages and frequencies of the responses given. T-test for independent groups and
one-way variance analysis were conductedwith a view to identifying differences in terms ofthe
regarding their children‘s education according to their education level, occupation, age, and
Results: Results show that the parents think they have enough knowledge to provide their
children with love because who they are not because they are successful, (X=4.87), teach them to
use their abilities for the benefit of both themselves and the society (X=4.69), encourage the
mental, social, and physical development (X=4.58), find nice expressions in order to praise their
children for the things they do (X=4.58), andprovide their children with learning activities
which facilitate to take their own decisions starting from early ages (X=4.51).
Arithmeticmean scores of the parents‘ responses to the questionnaire reveal that the parents
cannot provide enough guidance on such issues as creating the environment for their children‘s
hobbies (X=3.71), finding a place to exhibit their products (X=3.71), sharing hobbies with their
children and teaching something about them (X=3.90), taking their children to the trips in the
areas of their interests (X=3.74), taking them to lectures, seminars, or activities organized by
private groups or public organizations (X=3.32).
However, no significant differences were found according to their gender, age, occupation, and
education level in terms of the parents‘ perception of themselves regarding their children‘s
It was found that parents‘ perceptions about themselves increase with the increase in their
education level. Those who perceived themselves most qualified in their children‘s education
are the parents who do not work (X=122.39). This group was followed by retired parents
(X=121.166). It was also found that parents aged between 31 and 35 find themselves qualified in
their children‘s education; similarly, mean scores of the parents aged between 36 and 45 were
found to be close to the scores of those aged between 31 and 35.
In line with the data obtained from thestudy, parents can be provided with information about
the characteristics and needs of gifted children. They can be equipped with the skills that will
help them identify and foster their children‘s talent development. Special recreation areas can
be built up with a view to helping parents and children spend time together.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Üstün yetenekli çocukları olan anne babaların çocuklarının eğitimine rehberlik etmelerine yönelik
algılarına ilişkin durumu belirlemek amacıyla böyle bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, 2008-2009
öğretim yılında çocukları Adana Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi‟ne devam etmeye hak kazanan toplam doksan dört
anne babanın görüşlerinden elde edilen veriler üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada ölçme aracı olarak anket
Anne babalar çocuklarını akademik başarılarını göz önünde bulundurmadan sevme, yeteneklerini kişisel
yararlarına olduğu kadar toplum yararına kullanmayı öğretme, zihinsel gelişimin yanısıra toplumsal ve
fiziksel gelişimi özendirmede kendilerini yeterli bulmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, ilgi alanlarını keşfetme ve
geliştirmede onlara yeterince materyal sağlama, sorularına sabırla yanıt verme açılarından kendilerini yeterli
buldukları ancak, çocuklarının ilgi ve yeteneklerini geliştirmede; hobilerini uygulayacağı ve sergileyeceği yer
bulma, kendi hobilerini öğretme, gezi, ders ve etkinliklere götürmede yetersiz kaldıkları sonuçları elde
edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, anne babaların çocuklarının eğitimine rehberlik etmelerine yönelik algıları
arasında eğitim durumlarına, mesleklerine, yaşlarına, anne ya da baba oluşlarına göre anlamlı fark
Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, üstün yetenekli çocukları olan anne babalara, üstün
yetenekli çocukların özellikleri ve gereksinimleri tanıtılmalı ve çocuklarının yetenek alanlarını belirleme ve
gelişmesini sağlamaya yönelik günlük yaşamlarında uygulayabilecekleri beceriler kazandırılmalıdır.
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