
Dynamics of Literary Texts And Diffusion

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Abstract (2. Language): 
There are two major views to literature. The first and older one treats literature as something, invented by human for cultural needs. The traditional studies in literature employ this view evaluating cultural value of literature. The other and new one considers literature as a part of the cybernetic system nature-human-literature, where a human play a role of a transmitter, nature is its input and literature is output. Accordingly, it presents human as a medium, communicating fundamentals of nature in the form of literary texts. Although this view is already formed, its scientific implications are not yet investigated. In this paper we employ the second view and show that literature in the whole and diffusion behave similarly. We propose a method for creation of sample paths of the diffusion process, related to literary texts. The paper is addressed to those who are interested in mathematical modeling, philosophy of literature and communication. It has a speculative form with a minimum number of mathematical formulae.



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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
Volume: 1 – Issue: 3 – July - 2011
© Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
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