
The Relation between Positive Brand Emotions and Recall

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Brand memory and ad memory is a kind of mental storage that consumers apply to while making decisions about brands and buying. A positive ad memory for a given brand plays an effective role for consumers to develop a positive emotion towards that brand. One of the positive factors of ad memory is ad likability. Ad likability is one of the most important factors that helps recall ads and improve ad memory for brands. In this study, the relationships between ad likability, ad memory and emotions to brands were examined. The method and questionnaire techniques were devised in accordance with the hypothesis that liked ads are recalled more and ad likability affects feelings toward a given brand positively. The variables of ad likability of university students were also investigated. The study included 1208 students studying at Selcuk University in Turkey. All students were sampled randomly and inquired by a survey.