
Potentials of Global Networking in SMS Technology: An Example of Nigerian Users

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the last two decades, Short Messaging Service (SMS) has witnessed a remarkable growth and acceptance worldwide. Among other Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) avenues, it is regarded as one of the fastest in increase probably for being so instant and private. It is being estimated recently that short messages are being sent in trillions globally. In the Nigerian framework, the technology has been generating momentumas a phenomenon to be reckoned with socially and politically. The younger generation, above all, use the machinery to bring about social change, fight corruption, and actively monitor and participate in the local politics. This critique reviews related literature on the global nature of SMS and the inference of its use in a local milieu.Findings revealed that SMS has a variety of positive impacts on the lives of ordinary Nigerians. At the same time, results of some studies conducted on students at different levels of education raises some alarm over the growing influence of SMS language shortcuts on students‘ formal scripts. Socially, the literature has reiterated the increasing concern over the culture of ‗sexting‘ and how capable it is in promoting social vices and incongruity among the Nigerian populace.



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