
Health Communication through Social Media Evaluation of Communication Opportunities Offered by Social Networks to Health Care Institutions

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Social networks gives it's users an oppportunity to share his / her activities, events and field of interests with their networks online. This happens through, instant messages, e-mails and shares. Technology is rapidly progressing and it does not seem possible to ignore that the Internet is integrated to our lives. In last few years social networks has entered to our business and private lives and reshape the communication, collaboration and even learning process. This new communication environment is rapidly taking its place about the health issues. Individuals use social media and social networks to get information about a disease, get feedback when they are making a decision about a treatment, to learn about side effects of a drug etc. Institutions and organizations in all areas of life have begun to use social media and social networks for the benefit of society, one by one. Access to information is now much faster, so health communication, health institutions and organizations, and health campaign and events take place in social networks, the importance of issues are increasing day by day. This studya descriptive compile This study aims to show the opportunities of social media and social networks for health care institutions and organizations by descriptive compilation.



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