Journal Name:
- Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The central authority consolidated more with the Tanzimat, set forth a
comprehensive and systematic modernization project in cities connected
with ports and railways, particularly in the capital city of İstanbul. The
most obvious transformation projection of the Tanzimat reforms in city
centers is the emergence of a public center. Public areas as locations of
government houses, municipalities, jails, banks, schools, police stations,
military posts were located side by side at the new commercial centers.
Besides, as a consequence of the socio-economic transformations at
the end of the 19th century, production facilities such as workshop,
factory, warehouse, management offices, buildings of insurance and
banking operations came into picture. Those were located in the vicinity
of traditional bazaar, in the new commercial center. In this period, the
differentiation in housing was also prominent. Large parts of cities
subjected to fires and new settlement areas for immigrants of wars were
planned explicitly with modern urban understanding.
In the Republican era, executive authorities were determined to modernize
in an integral understanding. The central government by legal framework
and institutions had the mission of ‘building a nation’. For its realization,
the space of the country had to be converted into national space.
Therefore, there necessitated urban master arrangements in a Western
sense. Being constructed as a contemporary capital, Ankara is seen as the
implementation area of the new bourgeoisie culture and life; institutional
and daily life practices deducted from the Ankara experience are desired
to be implemented gradually in all other cities. Starting from the enaction
of Building and Roads Law in 1933, there started a new era where new
implementations are observed in urban planning field al through Turkey.
With plans, the most underdeveloped parts of the country were aimed
to have a contemporary appearance. However, the Western Anatolian
cities a large majority of which were burnt down during the war, were
already undergoing a re-construction process since 1923, albeit with the old
Modern approaches resulted in fundamental changes in both Late Ottoman
and Early Republican Eras were implemented widely in cities that had
ports and railway connections after the Tanzimat reforms, and in several
cities and towns, with the new construction regulations of the Republican
regime. However, for some reason it is possible to say that for the first
period İstanbul and for the second period Ankara centered the prevailing
discussions. In this review, the focus is given to four urban city centers
(Manisa, Afyon, Burdur, Isparta) located in Central Western Anatolia.
Within this framework, this article investigates, (a) the fundamental
changes in cities as a result of reforms in the Late Ottoman era; (b) the
searches for the modernization of cities and their effect on Anatolian cities
in alignment with the legal arrangements achieved by the determination of
building a new nation state in Early Republican Era, resting on the plans of
four cities selected in a comparative way.
As a draw of the research it is concluded that the development of the four
cities in Late Ottoman era and the planning of the Early Republican Era,
have similarities since they are achieved in the context of modernization.
For instance, government centers envisaged as a space organization,
preserve their place in the urban integrity in the succeeding periods. This
is an indication of the continuity. However, there are stylistic differences
between the modernizations of these two periods. The characteristics of the
buildings, architectural language, typology and their arrangement on space
are different. The Republican modernization aimed public modernization
in space and secularization, and gave importance to hygiene, public health,
‘grandeur’ and functionality aspects.
There exists similarities and differences within the Early Republican Era
itself. In all four cities government centers created in the preceeding era
continued to be used as the urban center, however, it changed in the
style and form with the open space arrangements and squares that had
distinct modernizing effects. Linear axis that links Government Square to
the Station and the public buildings along is the indispensible part of the
integrity in every city. The compliance of plans to the zoning principles and
modern housing neighborhood proposals in “garden city” style comprise
the common features in the plans under concern. However, the preparation
of these plans by experts with different approaches resulted in a diversity
of the implementations. The facts that the last two plans prepared in
1940s are relatively more conservative when compared with the first
two, and the preservation of the traditional housing areas, are the most
distinct differences. Besides, another diversity is that the city is integrally
considered in only the last two plans, while it is limited to specific axis of
develepment in the early two cities.
These data led the close scrunity of the changes in urban spaces from the
Late Ottoman to the Early Republic, which gives us a fundamental point
of view regarding the determined period. Besides, it provides different
approaches for the reevaluation of some stereotyped thoughts; however,
for comprehensive generalizations, research on more plans prepared in the
same period and implemented in different geographic regions, is needed.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Kentlerin imar edilmesi hem Osmanlının geç döneminde, hem de erken
Cumhuriyet döneminde modernleşmenin bir gereği olarak görülmüş
ve bu konuda geniş kapsamlı düzenlemelere gidilmiştir. Tanzimat’ın
kent reformları çerçevesinde kentlerin özellikle yangınlara maruz kalan
kesimleriyle, savaşlar nedeniyle ülkeye getirilen göçmenler için oluşturulan
yeni yerleşim alanlarında, ızgara biçimli planlardan oluşan mahallelerin
kurulmasına, sokak genişliklerinin artırılmasına, dar sokak ve çıkmazların
kaldırılmasına çalışılmış ve binaların kargirden yapılması için çaba
gösterilmiştir. Ebniye Kanunları olarak bilinen bu yeni düzenlemeler,
öncelikle başkent İstanbul’da, sonra da liman kentleri, uluslar arası ticarete
açılan kent merkezleri ve diğer kentlerde aşamalı olarak uygulamaya
Cumhuriyet dönemine gelindiğinde ise, çağdaş bir ulus devlet inşa
etme amacına yönelik olarak, ülke sathına yayılan bir plan yapım süreci
başlatılmıştır. Batılı anlamda imar planlarının elde edilebilmesi için
öncelikle yasal bir çerçeve ve kurumlara gereksinim bulunmaktadır.
Devletçilik ve halkçılık temel ilkelerine dayalı olarak, 1930’lu yıllarda
çıkarılan pek çok yasa ile planlamanın hukuki çerçevesi belirlenmiştir.
Özellikle Yapı ve Yollar Kanunu’nun çıkarıldığı 1933 yılından itibaren
Türkiye’de kent planlama alanında, yeni uygulamaların yaşandığı bir
dönem başlatılmıştır. İmar planları aracılığı ile gerçekleştirilmek istenen
modern kent olgusu, en geri kalmış kasabalardan en büyük kentlere kadar
tüm ülke çapına yaygınlaştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu dönemde modern kent,
ulus devletin yapı taşı olarak görülmüştür. Dönemin öncelikli olarak ele
alması gereken planlama konularını, savaş sonrası çıkarılan yangınlarda
en müreffeh kentsel alanlarını kaybeden batı Anadolu kentleri ile yeni
başkent Ankara’nın birer Cumhuriyet kenti olarak imar edilmesi sorunları
oluşturmuştur. Bu makale, Osmanlı yönetiminin Tanzimat Fermanından sonra kentleri
modern bir görüntüye kavuşturmak amacıyla gerçekleştirdiği köklü
reformların ve Cumhuriyet yönetiminin Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi
boyunca kentleri ulus devletin bir parçası olarak inşa etme amacına dönük
gerçekleştirdiği yeni yasal düzenleme ve kurumların mekansal yapıdaki
dönüşüme etkisini, dört İç Batı Anadolu kenti üzerinden, karşılaştırmalı
olarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada kentlere modern bir
görüntü kazandırmak amacıyla, Osmanlının son dönemi ve Cumhuriyettin
erken döneminde uygulamaya koyulan imar düzenlemelerinin mekansal
yapı oluşumu ve planlamaya etkileri ve sonuçları “süreklilik, değişme ve
kopuş” bağlamında ele alınmaktadır.
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