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Abstract (2. Language): 
Housing industry in Turkey was in a deep crisis in early 1980's following a boom in 1976-1980 period. An economic stabilization program which was introduced in January 1980, led to a big drop in housing demand, proved to be the main cause of the crisis. Governments had to intervene by enacting two successive laws in 1981 and 1984 in order to provide new financial means to the housing sector. In accordance with the second bill which has been in effect since 1984, a new housing finance organization, named the 'Mass Housing Fund', was established as a department attached to the Prime Ministry. Substantial amounts of money accumulate in the Fund through tax-like deductions imposed on certain goods and services, including petroleum products, tobacco and alcoholic drinks. The Fund, functioning aş the main source of credits extended to housing purchasers, to self-builders and to the members of house-building cooperatives, was instrumental in achieving a sharp recovery in the 1984-1987 period. Over-stimulation of the sector in this period led to a construction cost inflation well above the general price rise. The Fund itself has gone into crisis by 1988 as credit applications for too many housing units have been accepted and 30 to 50 per cent of its income have been transferred to the National Budget since 1989. Since fixed credit interest rates remained about one third of the rate of inflation, credit returns could not make much contribution to the Fund's resources. The crisis and subsequent developments affected housing provision in Turkey to a great extent. Allocation of 70 per cent of Fund's credits in the 1984-1989 period to house-building cooperatives boosted for this form of non-profit housing provision, as the number of cooperatives doubled in this period. Small-capital speculative housebuilders (which are called yap-satci) began to operate with larger own-capital, compared to the period before 1980, without any significant change in their production techniques. Many new contractors entered into this field to build cooperative housing. Most of them relied on conventional production techniques which are most consistent with the pace of cash flows. Some large capital builders and contractors began to build speculative housing estates at the outskirts of cities. However, absence of an effective housing credit system inhibits their activities.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu yazıda Türkiye'deki konut üretiminde 1980 sonrasında görülen nitel ve nicel gelişmeler inceleniyor. Ekonominin 1970'li yılların ilk yarısında girdiği krizin ve 1978 yandan itibaren uygulamaya konulan önlemler paketlerinin konut sektörü üzerinde büyük etkileri olmuştur. Konut sektörünün bu süreçteki davranışları çeşitli aşamalarda farklılıklar göstermiştir. 1980 yılma kadar giderek artan konut arz ve talebi, 1980 yılında yürürlüğe giren istikrar programlarının ardından hızla daralmıştır. Derin bir krize giren konut sektörünü krizden kurtarmaya yönelik yasalar çıkarılmış, getirilen mali ve idari düzenlemeler konut sunum biçimlerinde ve talebin örgütlenişinde yeni gelişmelere yol açmıştır. Bu yazıda önce krizin ve istikrar programlarının konut arz ve talebi üzerindeki etkileri, niceliksel verilerle inceleniyor. Daha sonra konut sunum biçimlerinde 1980 sonrasındaki gelişmeler tartışılmaktadır. Çalışmanın kapsamında yalnızca ruhsatlı konut üretimi üzerinde durulmuş, ruhsatsız konut yapımındaki gelişmelere değinilmemiştir. Zaten çoğunluğu Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsünden elde edilen verilerle ruhsatsız yapılaşma konusunda değerlendirme yapma olanağı çok sınırlıdır.



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