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Abstract (2. Language): 
Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique is a popular and an important PWM technique for three phases voltage source inverter in the control of Induction Motor. In this study harmonic analysis of Space Vector PWM (SVPWM) is investigated using multiple-pulses method. Multiple-Pulses method calculates the Fourier coefficients of individual positive and negative pulses of the output PWM waveform and adds them together using the principle of superposition to calculate the Fourier coefficients of the all PWM output signal. Harmonic magnitudes can be calculated directly by this method without linearization, using look-up tables or Bessel functions. In this study, the results obtained in the application of SVPWM for values of variable parameters are compared with the results obtained with the multiple-pulses method.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Uzay Vektor Modulasyon (SVM) teknigi asenkron motor kontrolunde ug fazli gerilim beslemeli inverter igin populer ve onemli bir PWM teknigidir. Bu gali§mada Uzay Vektor PWM (SVPWM) inverterin goklu darbeler yontemini kullanarak yapilan harmonik analizi incelenmi§tir. Qoklu darbeler yontemi giki§ PWM dalga §eklinin her bir pozitif ve negatif darbesinin Fourier katsayilarini hesaplamakta ve tum PWM giki§ sinyalinin Fourier katsayilarini hesaplamak igin superpozisyon ilkesini kullanarak birbirleriyle toplamaktadir. Harmonik genlikleri; dogrusalla§tirma, tarama tablolari kullanimi ya da Bessel fonksiyonlari olmaksizin bu yontemle dogrudan hesaplanabilir. Bu gali§mada, degi§ken parametre degerleri igin SVPWM uygulamasindan elde edilen sonuglar, goklu darbeler yontemiyle elde edilen sonuglarla kar§ila§tirilmi§tir.



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