
ASJ ile Kesilen AISI 1030 £elik Malzemeden Elde Edilen Kesik Yuzey Ozelliklerinin Diger Kesme Yontemleri ile Karsilastirma

Comparision of Cut Surface Properties Obtained from AISI 1030 Steel by Abresive Water Jet and by Other Methodologies

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Abstract (2. Language): 
With the development in cutting operation, the surface properties which get from the the finishing operation and preparation to manifacture applications have a great importance.Generally the variation features of material, the edge cutting deformation, surface properties and the geometry of the canal characterize the processing quality in the cutting methods.In a cutting operation the aim is to get the cut surface in a very short time with high quality.The answer is searching for the question, which technique for which material must be use to get a good efficiency.In this study the aim was to cut the material AISI 1030, which is used very frequently in manifacture industry, with very common methods and to get and evaluate effects of results on mechanic and metallurgic properties of material.So the result of this study is the method in cutting with ASJ is the most efficient and with oxygen is least efficient.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Kesme teknolojisindeki geli§melerle birlikte, imalata hazirlik ve ozellikle son i§lem uygulamalarin-da elde edilen yuzey ozellikleri buyuk oneme sahiptir. Kesme yontemlerindeki i§leme kalitesi genel olarak; malzeme ozelliklerindeki degi§im, kesme kenar deformasyonu, elde edilen yuzey ozellikleri ve kesilen kanalin geometrisi ile karakterize edilmektedir. Bir kesme i§leminde temelde hedeflenen; en hizli ve en kaliteli kesik yuzeyin elde edilmesidir. A§indiricili su jetinin di§inda birgok yontemin yaygin kullanimi beraberinde hangi malzemenin hangi yontemle kesilmesi daha verimli olmaktadir? ve benzeri sorularina yanit aranmaktadir. Bu gali§ma makine imalat sanayinde yogun kullanilmakta olan AISI 1030 malzemenin yaygin kullanilmakta olan kesme yontemleri ile kesilmesi ve elde edilen sonuglarin malzemenin mekaniksel ve metalurjik ozellikleri uzerindeki etkilerini ara§tirarak, deger-lendirilmesini kapsamaktadir. Turn veriler i§iginda; ASJ ile kesmenin en verimli yontem, oksijen ile kesme yonteminin ise en verimsiz oldugu sonucuna varilmi§tir.



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