
Bina Aydinlatmasinin Ag Tabanli Tasarimi ve Bulanik Mantik ile Uzaktan Denetimi

Network Based Building Lighting Design and Fuzzy Logic via Remote Control

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this paper, a network based building lighting system is implemented. Profibus-DP network struc¬ture is used in the design and Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is used on control of the building lighting. Informations received from sensors which measures level of the building illumination is used on FLC and they are transferred to the system by Profibus-DP network. Control of lighting luminaries are made via Profibus-DP network. The illuminance inside the bulding is fitted required level. Energy saving and healthy lighting facilities have been obtained by the design.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu gali§mada, bir binanin aydinlatma sistemi ag tabanli olarak tasarlanmi§tir. Tasarimda Profibus-DP ag yapisi kullanilmi§tir. Bina aydinlatmasinin kontrolunde Bulanik Mantik Denetimi (BMD) kullanilmi§-tir. BMD uygulamasinda, bina aydinlatma seviyelerini olgen algilayicilardan gelen bilgiler kullanilmi§-tir. Bu bilgiler Profibus-DP agi uzerinden sisteme aktarilmi§tir. Aydinlatma armaturlerinin Profibus-DP agi uzerinden denetimi saglanmi§tir. Tasarlanan sistemde, bina igi aydinlatma ihtiyag duyulan seviye-de kalmasi saglanmi§tir. Tasarim ile, enerji tasarrufu ve saglikli aydinlatma imkani elde edilmi§tir.



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