
Biyodizel ve Karisimlarinin Kullanildigi bir Dizel Motorda Performans ve Emisyon Analizi

Analysis of Performance and Emmissions in a Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel and Blends

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, the performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel based waste palm oil and its blends with petroleum based diesel fuel (PBDF) was analyzed by means of three dimensional maps. In order to determine the engine performance and exhaust emission characteristics, the engine was exposed with full load and varied speed tests. In the result of analyze, it was seen that the brake specific fuel consumptions increased with the increase of biodiesel percentage in the fuel blend, but brake torque decreased depending upon biodiesel percentage in the fuel. In the result of emission analyze, it has determined that biodiesel and its blends has provided significant improvements in HC, CO and smoke opacity emissions. However, the stable behaviors in NOx and CO2 emissions of biodiesel and its blends did not seen in terms of the engine speed.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu cali§mada, atik palmiye yagi kokenli biyodizel ve petrol kokenli dizel yakiti (PKDY) ile kari§imlari-nin, bir dizel motordaki performans ve emisyon karakteristikleri uc boyutlu haritalar uzerinden ana-liz edilmi§tir. Biyodizel ve kari§imlarinin performans ve emisyon karakterlerini belirlemek amaciyla, motor tam yuk ve degi§ik devir testlerine tabi tutulmu§tur. Analiz sonucunda, kari§imdaki biyodizel orani arttikga PKDY'a gore ozgul yakit tuketiminde arti§ oldugu, motorun dondurme momentinde ise azalma meydana geldigi tespit edilmi§tir. Emisyon analizi sonucunda ise, kari§imdaki biyodizel orani ile ili§kili olarak PKDY'a kiyasla yanmami§ hidrokarbon (HC), karbon monoksit (CO) ve duman koyulugu emisyonlarinda iyile§meler oldugu, bununla birlikte karbon dioksit (CO2) ve azot oksit (NOx) emisyonlarinin motor devrine gore kararli bir yapi sergilemedigi belirlenmi§tir.



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