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Abstract (2. Language): 
In facilities in which biogas systems are installed biogas is not produced and consumed simultaneously. Therefore, biogas produced when there is no consumption should be stored. Low pressure gasometers with 1- 1,5 kPa value are preferred in the rural area and when needed pressurizer is added to the system. When the pressure which gas production and usage require is provided by natural ways without usage of an added pressurizer, a respectively high pressure atmosphere can be seen. In this study, the effects of different low pressures on anaerobic fermentation of cattle manure were experimentally analyzed. Fermentation experiment which was carried out with 9 reactors with fed-batch type, 3 parallels in pressures of 19.6 kPa, 9.5 kPa and 1.5 kPa continued 60 days at 35 °C. The acquired experimental data was subjected to LSD test in P<0.05 significance level and it was observed that there is no significant difference between rectors operated with different pressures in terms of methane production.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Biyogaz sistemlerinin kurulu oldugu tesislerde, biyogazin uretimi ve tuketimi e§ zamanli gergekle§memektedir. Bu yuzden tuketimin olmadigi zamanlarda uretilen biyogazin depolanmasi gerekmektedir. Kirsal kesime yonelik uygulamalarda genellikle 1-1,5 kPa degerlerine sahip, du§uk basingli gazometreler tercih edilmekte, gerektiginde sisteme basinglandirici ilave edilmektedir. Gaz iletiminin ve kullaniminin gerektirdigi basing, ek bir basinglandirici kullanilmadan biyogaz uretimi sonucunda dogal yollarla saglandiginda, reaktor igerisinde nispeten yuksek bir basing ortami sozkonusu olmaktadir. Bu gali§mada, farkli du§uk basinglarin, sigir atiginin anaerobik fermentasyonu uzerine etkileri deneysel olarak incelenmi§tir. 19,6 kPa, 9,5 kPa ve 1,5 kPa basinglarda, 1 lt hacimli kesikli beslemeli tip, ug paralelli, dokuz adet reaktorle yurutulen fermentasyon denemesi, 35 °C'de 60 gun devam etmi§tir. Elde edilen deneysel veriler P<0,05 anlamlilik duzeyinde LSD testine tabi tutulmu§, metan uretim miktari bakimindan, farkli basinglarda gali§tirilan reaktorler arasinda anlamli bir farklilik olmadigi gozlenmi§tir.



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