Basit Mesnetli Kiri§lerde Egilme ve Kaymadan Dolayi Olu§an Sehim
Denklemlerinin Bulunmasi
Journal Name:
- Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Shear deflection of wood beams generally is exluded in plannning calculations. Ignoring shear deflection could cause significant errors, expecially for short and thick beams. In this study, two deflection functions due to flexure and shear of simply supported composite beam subjected to single force are obtained analytically. Wood being high shear modulus according to other material is selected for sample problem. The deflections the mid point of the beam are calculated to see the effect of shear by using the obtained functions for 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 orientation angles. Also, bending stresses at the mid point of the short beam are given for 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 orientation angles. It is shown that the magnitude of shear deflection depends on force, length and height of the beam. The shear effect is the smallest for 45 orientation angle and the biggest for 0 orientation angle.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Kiri§ uygulamalarinin genelinde kaymadan dolayi olu§an sehimler ihmal edilir. Fakat; yuksek kayma modulune sahip, kisa ve kalin kiri§lerde kaymadan dolayi olu§an sehimin ihmal edilmesi gok buyuk hatalara neden olmaktadir. Bu gali§mada her iki tarafinda mesnetlenmi§ orta noktasindan tekil yuke maruz kompozit kiri§lerdeki egilme ve kaymadan dolayi ortaya gikan sehim denklemleri analitik olarak elde edilmi§tir. Ornek malzeme olarak kayma modulu diger malzemelere gore yuksek olan ah§ap segilmi§tir. Kaymanin etkisini incelemek igin, elde edilen fonksiyonlar kullanilarak, kiri§in orta noktasindaki maksimum sehimler 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 oryantasyon agilari ign elde edilmi§tir. Ayni zamanda kayma etkisinin en fazla oldugu kisa kiri§in orta noktasindaki egilme gerilmeleri 0, 30, 45, 60 ve 90 oryantasyon aglari igin verilmi§tir. Kaymadan dolayi olu§an sehimin; kiri§e uygulanan yuke, kiri§in uzunluguna ve yuksekligine gore degi§tigi tespit edilmi§tir. Kayma etkisi; 45 oryantasyon agi-sinda en kuguk, 0 oryantasyon agsinda ise en buyuk olmaktadir.
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