Influence of a 50 Hz-1 mT Magnetic Field on Human Median Nerve
Journal Name:
- Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
With the increasing use of magnetic fields in recent five decades, the health effects of nonionized electromagnetic radiation is an important investigation subject. While the magnetic field is well known, it is difficult to investigate the health effects of radiation, because of the complex metabolism of human body. However, by the experimental and theorical studies, a lot of significant health effects of magnetic fields have been discovered. But, there are probabilities that can have much more adverse health effects. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of 50 Hz-1 mT magnetic field on human median motor nerve conduction parameters. At this frequency, 1 mT value of magnetic field intensity is known and accepted as the marginal value where biological interaction starts. Stan¬dard nerve conduction techniques using constant measured distances were applied to evaluate the median nerve. Consequently in the measures conducted using the device of 4 channel NCS/EMG/ EPS there was a significant decrease in motor distal amplitude after the magnetic field application in comparison to the one during the application (p=0,000573) and also in the motor distal amplitude/ proximal amplitude in comparison to the ones before the application (p=0,037418).
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Abstract (Original Language):
iyonize olmayan elektromanyetik radyasyonun insan sagligi uzerindeki etkileri, son elli yilda manyetik alanlarin kullanim alaninin geni§lemesi ile birlikte, buyuk bir ara§tirma konusu olmu§tur. Manyetik alanlarin tabiati gok iyi bilinmekle beraber, insan vucudunun karma§ik yapisi, bu etkilerin incelenme-sini zorla§tirmaktadir. Bununla beraber yapilan deneysel ve teorik £ali§malarin sonucunda, manyetik alanlarin insan sagligi uzerindeki etkileri konusunda kayda deger bulgular elde edilmi§tir. Ancak, henuz bilinmeyen etkilerinin olabilecegi konusunda da §upheler mevcuttur. Bu gali§manin amaci, insan medyan motor sinir ileti gali§malarinda elde edilen parametrelere, 50 Hz-1 mT manyetik alanin etkisini incelemektir. Bu frekansta 1 mT manyetik alan yogunlugunun degeri, biyolojik etkile§imin ba§ladigi sinir deger olarak bilinmekte ve kabul edilmektedir. Medyan sinirini degerlendirmek amaci ile, sabit olgulu mesafelerin kullanildigi standart iletim teknikleri uygulanmi§tir. Sonug olarak 4 kanal NCS/EMG/EPS cihazi kullanilarak yapilan olgumlerde, manyetik alan uygulama sonrasindaki motor distal genlik, uygulama sirasindaki motor distal genlige gore (p=0,000573) ve uygulama sonrasin-daki motor distal genlik/proksimal genlik orani, manyetik alan uygulama oncesindeki motor distal genlik/proksimal genlik oranina gore anlamli bir azalma gostermi§tir (p=0,037418).
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