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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a predictive effect of learning styles on critical thinking dispositions of high school students. Thus, it aims to determine how much of learning styles used by high school students depending on the nature of learning settings explain the variance in critical thinking dispositions. The sample of the study is composed of 271 high school students chosen randomly from three high schools. The data was collected using Critical Thinking Dispositions Scale developed by reseachers and Learning Styles Scale developed by Reichmann-Grasha and adapted into Turkish language by Kocak (2007). The findings indicated that while high school students learning styles (systematically study, dependence on teachers and cooperation in classroom) predict significantly causal thinking, courisity and openmindedness dispositions, competitive learning style does not predict significantly the critical thinking dispositions.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu arajtirmanin amaci, lise ogrencilerinin ogrenme stillerinin elejtirel dujunme egilimlerini yordayici etkisinin olup olmadigini incelemektir. Bu amacla lise ogrencilerinin ogrenme stillerinin elejtirel dujunme egilimlerini ne oranda acikladiginin belirlenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Arajtirmanin orneklemini, Ujak ilinde orta ogretim kurumlarindan tesadufi ornekleme yontemi ile uc liseden secilen 271 ogrenci olujturmaktadir. Arajtirmanin verileri, arajtirmacilar tarafindan gelijtirilen Elejtirel Dujunme Egilimleri Olcegi ve Grasha-Reichmann tarafindan gelijtirilen ve Kocak (2007) tarafindan Turkceye uyarlanan Ogrenme Stilleri Olcegi ile toplanmijtir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore, lise ogrencilerinin ogrenme stillerinden sistemli calijma egilimi, ogretmene bagimlilik ve sinif ici ijbirligi stillerinin nedensellik, meraklilik ve acik fikirlilik egilimlerini anlamli bir jekilde yordadigi, rekabetci ogrenme stilinin elejtirel dujunme egilimlerinin hic birisini yordamadigi tespit edilmijtir.



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