
Opinions of Science Teachers about the Usage of Visual Media during Science and Technology Course

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aimed to find out the opinions of science teachers about the usage of visual media during science and technology course. Sample of the study consists of 15 science teachers who were working in Eskisehir, during 2012-2013 academic years. This research is designed using phenomenology approach, which is one of the qualitative research methods. Sample of the study was selected using purposive and easily accessible sampling; then criteria sampling was used to select teachers from the easily accessible sample. A semi-structured questionnaire, which has been developed by the researcher, was used for data collection. The interview form consists of two parts: First part includes questions about demographic characteristics whereas second part contains questions related with the sub-dimensions of the research. Content analysis was used on the data analysis. Based on the research findings, teachers stated that visual media enhances permanent learning, facilitates understanding, increases interest and curiosity and saves time. On the other hand, teachers may encounter several problems while using visual media, such as insufficiency of technological hardware, lack of subject-based images, existing visuals not being economical. According to the results of research, some recommendations have been made, which were supposed to contribute to increase the use of visual media while teaching topics, concepts and achievements in the science and technology course. In addition various suggestions have been developed for teachers, researchers, and educational policy makers, media organizations.



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