
GENÇLİK-İNTİHAR İLİŞKİSİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE ÖZÜRLÜ OLMA: Bir Grup Özürlü Üniversite Öğrencisinin İntihar Hakkındaki Düşünceleri

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Youth-suicide and being disabled are the facts related with each other. Studies showed us that the frequency ofsuicide is particularly high among the youth. Being physically disabled could lead to the problem of constructing social relationships and make the youngster socially alone. Because of being disabled, the young person may feel himself/herself isolated. It can be said that being disabled could increase the anxiety about the matters such as family relations, forming friendships, planning a future.having a job, getting married, having a child, would lessen his/her will to live. A qualitative study was undertaken with Çdisabled students of Hacettepe University on its Bey tepe Campus concerning these specific points. The views of youngster s on suicide and being disabled were observed as a result offindings of the focus group and in-depth intervievvs. Being socially isolated as an outcome of their disabilities would deepen their death wish.