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India is facing numerous problems like separatism, communalism, castism,
debt burden, corruption, pollution etc, so the government has to mobilize opinion in
support to the national integration and prosperity.
Karnataka has the ninth largest population in India with 52,733, 958 (2001) accounting
5.13 percent of India's total. Karnataka is also a melting pot of various religions. The
Vedic religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity and the Lingayat cult and
philosophies of Dvaita, Advaita and Vishistadvaita have existed harmoniously. It has a
rich cultural heritage having given birth too many thinkers, writers, poets, exponents of
music including a rich folklore. Karnataka has also had its noteworthy contribution in
the nationalist movement.
Government of Karnataka has been trying to eradicate social evils
and provide better opportunities and facilities to the citizens. Policies and programmes
like child immunization, family planning, national savings, protection of environment,
drug abuse, literacy, awareness of HIV/AIDS etc, are to be highlighted. In achieving this
goal, the government has to communicate to the people. The media, that too traditional
(folk) media, in this context, can play a vital role in generating a positive and conductive
environment in our society.
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