
Role of agricultural policy for economic development in India.”

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India is primarily an Agricultural based country. Agriculture is the back bone of Indian Economy. It is contributed nearly 17.5% gross domestic product with labour force of 52% that means 52% of population depend upon directly on agriculture. It has play vital role in Indian economy. Agricultural is a way of life, a tradition, which for centuries, has shaped the thought the outlook, the culture and the economic life of the people of India. It will be continue to central of all strategies for plan socio-economic development of the country.



1.Gerdien Meuerink and Pim Roza (2007), “The role of agriculture in economic development”.
2.Nick Gross Man and Dylan Carlson (2011) a Agriculture policy in India. The role of Input subsidies.
3.Rajendre Prasad (2007), “Modern Concepts of Agriculture”. Indian Agricultureal Research Institute, New
4.Postnote (2006) “Food Security in Developing Countries”.

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