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Abstract (Original Language): 
Introduction: This study evaluates the difference of attributional styles and social acceptance; both components have significant impacts on the mental status of individuals, between high school students of different fields with respect to gender dimensions. Method: This research is a survey-correlation study. The study sample consists of 225 high school students of humanities, experimental science, and physics-mathematics fields. Data was collected through Nowicki-Strickland questionnaire which is used to derive the locus of control. However, Marlowe-Crowne questionnaire was used to gain the social acceptance score of participants. Findings: In both girls and boys groups, the highest score of social acceptance and locus of control (external) with the highest average belongs to the literature students. Conversely, in both groups the lowest average belongs to mathematic students. Conclusion: The social acceptance of the high school students of different fields as well as that of girls and boys is different. The difference of the locus of control between different study fields is significant. However, different values were derived for the locus of control of boys and girls. This indicates that some factors affect the distribution of girls and boys across different study fields as well as the differences of girls and boys.



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