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Follow a line of investigation has shown that conditions of socio cultural factors in parents can be interrelated to the religiosity in children and the aim of the present study is to find out correlation between parents socio cultural background and religiosity in pre university students. The sample comprised 214 (108 males and 106 females) subjects from two pre university in Iran. Family socio cultural background questionnaire and Muslim religiosity-personality inventory (MRPI- Krauss et al. 2006) carried out on the student's group sample. The effects of gender on religiosity and family socio cultural background were also examined. Pearson correlation analysis and two independent sample T test were used to analyze the data .The results have revealed that the level of religiosity is significantly correlated with family socio cultural background. Moreover it was found that there is significant gender difference in religiosity, whereas there is no significant difference between family socio cultural backgrounds.



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