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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, body lipids of a freshwater snail Bithynia tentaculata collected from Sultanköy in Mardin in April 2007 were fractionated by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Total lipids, fractionated lipids such as phospholipids and neutral lipids of whole snail were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the analysis, saturated fatty acids such as C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, C16:0, C17:0, C18:0; monounsaturated fatty acids such as C16:1ω7, C18:1ω9, C20:1ω9 and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as C18:2ω6, C18:3ω3, C20:2ω6, C20:4ω6 and C20:5ω3 acids were found. Odd-numbered fatty acids and C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids structures were confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The percentages of these components in lipid fractions were compared with each other. In the percentages, C16:0, C16:1ω7, C18:1ω9, C18:3ω3 and C20:4ω6 acids were the most abundant fatty acids. Some proportional differences were found among the phospholipid, neutral lipid and total lipid. For instance, the highest level of saturated fatty acid (45.1%) and the highest level of monounsaturated fatty acids (28.0%) were found in neutral lipid whereas; the highest level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (46.5%) was found in phospholipid fraction. Comparing with total and neutral lipids, the percentages of C20:4ω6 and C20:5ω3 acids, precursors of eicosanoids, were found apparently high in phospholipid fraction.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, Nisan 2007 tarihinde Mardin ilinin Sultanköy Köyü’nden toplanan tatlısu salyangozu Bithynia tentaculata'nın total vücut lipitleri, ince tabaka kromatografi ile fraksiyonlandı. Salyangozun, total vücut lipitleri ile fosfolipit ve nötral lipit fraksiyonundaki yağ asitleri, gaz kromatografi ve gaz kromatografi-kütle spektrometresi (GC-MS) ile analizlendi. Analizlerde, doymuş yağ asitlerinden C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, C16:0, C17:0, C18:0; tekli doymamış yağ asitlerinden C16:1ω7, C18:1ω9, C20:1ω9 ve çoklu doymamış yağ asitlerinden C18:2ω6, C18:3ω3, C20:2ω6, C20:4ω6 ve C20:5ω3 asitler saptandı. Tek karbonlu ve 20 karbonlu çoklu doymamış yağ asitlerinin yapıları, gaz kromatografi-kütle spektrometre ile doğrulandı. Lipit fraksiyonları arasında bu bileşenlerin yüzde değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Yüzde dağılımda en çok C16:0, C16:1ω7, C18:1ω9, C18:3ω3 ve C20:4ω6 asitler tespit edildi. Fosfolipit, nötral lipit ve total lipit yüzde içeriğinde bazı farklılıklar tespit edildi. Örneğin, total doymuş yağ asiti yüzdesi (%45.1) ile total tekli doymamış yağ asiti yüzdesi (%28.0) en fazla nötral lipitte; total çoklu doymamış yağ asiti yüzdesi (%46.5) ise en çok fosfolipitte saptandı. Eikosanoidlerin öncül maddesi olan C20:4ω6 ve C20:5ω3 asitlerin yüzde oranları nötral ve total lipit analizlerine göre fosfolipit fraksiyonunda daha fazla bulundu.
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