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Abstract (2. Language): 
IBN AL-MUNAJJIM (241-300/ 855-912) AND HIS WORK RISĀLA FI’L-MŪSĪKĀ Ibn al-Munajjim lived in Abbasid Era in which music became a branch of science in Islamic Civilization. He wrote two valuable books on the theories of music. He came from “Müneccimoğulları family” known by its affinity to palace, and he was also an authority in Arabic-Persian sciences. His teacher Ishāq al-Mawsılī was considered as the founder of the theories of music in Islamic world; but his Works didn’t reach us. And this increased the value of al-Munajjim’s work, because his Risāla fi’l-Mūsīqā gives detailed and important informations about the theories of music of that period. In researches on history of music done in western and Arab world Ibn al-Munajjim’s Risāla was mistakenly mixed up by his work Kitābu’n-Nagam. In this study we tried to connect this misunderstanding and we examined Ibn al-Munajjim’s –and consequently his teacher Ishaq’s- theories of music. We also tried to give some informations about the life of Ibn al-Munajjim.



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