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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study is to avoid unnecessary stocking of peace-time Class I supply materials via proper lot-sizing methods; to determine the level of stocks in food accountancy warehouses and to make appropriate stocking policies. The data that was used in this study was obtained from a division level unit in 2002. Eight Class I items were chosen out of 38 main ones of which consumption levels are determined. The ordering and inventory holding costs that did not exist in the 2002 data were calculated very carefully, and the ratios between unit costs and inventory holding costs were shown for future reference when/if the costs should change. After all the data were obtained, nine lot-sizing methods proper to the problem were applied and WW turned out to be the best model to be used for each item. The performances of lot-sizing methods used in this study were compared with each other with respect to total minimum costs. WW algorithm was applied to the 2002 data of the items, and the actual costs of 2002 and the cost of the algorithm were compared; and savings obtained by using the WW algorithm were shown. At the end of the study the WW algorithm was determined as a proper lot-sizing method for every Class of supply items via Class I supplies.
Abstract (Original Language): 
1 nci sýnýf ikmal maddeleri barýþ yeterlilik stoklarýnýn, sipariþ büyüklüðü belirleme metotlarý yardýmýyla gereksiz miktarlarýnýn önlenmesi, yiyecek saymanlýðý depolarýnda stok seviyelerinin tespit edilmesi ve uygun sipariþ/stok politikalarýnýn belirlenmesi amacýyla bu çalýþma yapýlmýþtýr. Tümen seviyesindeki bir birlikten alýnan 2002 yýlýna ait verilerle yapýlan çalýþmada, sarf faktörleri belli olan otuz sekiz temel 1 nci sýnýf ikmal maddesi arasýndan sekiz tanesi örneklem olarak seçilmiþtir. Mevcut verilerden ulaþýlamayan sipariþ verme maliyetleri ve stokta bulundurma maliyetleri tespit edilmiþ ve ileriki dönemlerde maliyetler deðiþtiði takdirde kolaylýkla tekrar hesaplanabilmesi için stokta bulundurma oranlarý çýkarýlmýþtýr. Gerekli parametreler elde edildikten sonra problemin yapýsýna uygun olan sipariþ büyüklüðü belirleme metotlarýndan dokuzu ile uygulama yapýlmýþ ve en düþük maliyetler, her bir malzeme için Wagner Whitin (WW) algoritmasýndan elde edilmiþtir. Uygulama sonucunda sipariþ büyüklüðü belirleme metotlarýnýn performans yönünden karþýlaþtýrmasý yapýlmýþ ve WW algoritmasýndan elde edilen maliyetlerle, örneklem olarak seçilen malzemelerin 2002 yýlýna ait gerçekleþen maliyetleri karþýlaþtýrýlarak elde edilebilecek tasarruflar ortaya koyulmuþtur. Bu çalýþma sonucunda, WW algoritmasý, 1 nci sýnýf ikmal maddelerinin özelinde tüm ikmal maddeleri için sipariþ büyüklüðü belirleme metodu olarak önerilmiþtir.