
Demir eksikliği anemisi tespit ettiğimiz vakaların klinik değerlendirilmesi: 203 vaka

Clinical analysis of the our confirm cases of iron deficiency anemia:203 cases

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Abstract (2. Language): 
İn this study, totally 203 patients with iron deficiency anemia who had been hospitalised and became therapy in our department betvveen January 1996-June 2000 were examined. Of the patients143 were female and 60 were male, mean age was 45.09±17.11 yearin femaies and 58.43±14.75year in maie. The mean values of erythrocyte were 3.673.007+677.929/mm3 in femaies, 3.520.333+780.210/mm3 in males, haemoglobin was 8.49+2.2 g/di in femaies, 7.42±2.3 g/dl in males, hematocrit was 27.1 ±6.3 % in femaies, 23.9±6.3 % in males, mean corpusculer volume was 70.2±9.3 fl in female, 66.9±10.4 fi in males, serum iron was 27.66±8.5 mcg/dl in femaies, 25.97±8 mcg/dl in males, serum iron binding capacity was 383.94±56.11 mcg/dl in femaies, 389.72±48.4 mcg/dl in males, serum ferritin was 4.73±3.3 ng/ml in femaies, 5.05±3.3 ng/ml in males. Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding and gynecologic bleeding were found to be the most commen causes of iron deficiency anemia in femaies vvhereas chronic gastrointestinal bleeding in males.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, kliniğimizde Ocak 1996-Haziran 2000 yıllan arasında yatırılarak tetkik ve tedavi edilen 203 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların 143'ü kadın (K), 60'ı erkek (E) ve yaş ortalaması K'iarda 45.09±17.11 yıl, Elerde 58.43±14.75 yıl idi. Hastaneye yatırıldıkları esnada ortalama eritrosit K'iarda 3.673.007±677.929/mm3, Elerde 3.520.333+780.210/mm3, Hemoglobin ortalaması K'iarda 8.49±2.2 g/di. Elerde 7.42±2.3 g/dl, Hematokrit ortalaması K'iarda % 27.1±6.3, Elerde % 23.9±6.3, ortalama eritrosit hacmi Klarda 70.2±9.3 fl. Elerde 66.9±10.4 fi bulundu. Serum demiri K'iarda 27.66±8.5 mcg/dl, Elerde 25.97±8 mcg/dl iken Serum demir bağlama kapasitesi K'iarda 383.94±56.11 mcg/dl, Elerde 389.72±48.4 mcg/dl, serum ferritln düzeyi K'iarda 4.73+3.3 ng/ml, Elerde 5.05+3.3 ng/ml olarak bulundu. En sık demir eksikliği anemisi sebebi Klarda kronik gastrointestinal ve jinekolojik kanamalar, Elerde kronik gastrointestinal kanamalar idi.



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